Thank you for this amazing mod.
I've tried to build my base around this mod, having IO Bus and External Bus all over the place.
Sadly performance pretty quickly died on me.
A few things I realized:
Memory Unit
Interacting with Memory Units ( https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deep-storage-unit ) is pretty much an instant kill for performance. Just hooking up 4 Memory Units with an External Bus drops the frame rate to 55 for me.
Instead shoving items into a buffer chest and interacting with that is much better.
Like this there isn't much impact on the performance.
I'm guessing that the External IO Bus scans the whole inventory to figure out how many items there are every couple frames. For a whooping 4m Coal, that takes a while. I'm reasonably sure the memory units have some sort of API for "how many total items are there" which have a better performance since there is only 1 item type present.
Can you please add support to hooked up Memory Units? Although, since there is the workaround with the buffer chest, I wouldn't give this much of a priority.
weird I/O Slot
When limiting a chest, taking out items via a External Bus takes the item from a weird slot.
Usually when taking out items of such a chest ( e.g. by Filter Miniloader https://mods.factorio.com/mod/miniloader ) it simply takes out the last filtered item in the chest, so in the above example, the item from the 3rd slot.
I'm guessing this is by design, since the limited slot is basically not a valid output slot, so it is ignored.
Can this be changed? For example when I set a whitelist filter in a Input-Only External Bus, i'd like to have those items be taken even from disabled slots.
XP for buildings
Interaction with that mod ( https://mods.factorio.com/mod/xp-for-buildings ) pretty much bricked my game the first time I added refined storage.
Reson: IO ports ( RNS_NetworkCableIOItem, RNS_NetworkCableIOFluid, RNS_NetworkCableIOExternal ) are assembling machines, so the XP for building gives them a level which bricks the IO port and throws errors.
To fix this, adding those 3 ports to the ignore list of XP for buildings seemed to fix the problem.
Just as info for anyone using these 2 mods together.
A random Idea that popped up:
Is the performance dependend on how many slots there are in the chest? If so, would adding a a performance-interaction-chest with only like 4 slots and a size of 1x1 or 1x4 help?