compound power (PHI-EN) : solar, steam, nuclear ...
compound machine (PHI-MB): furnace, assembling, refinery & chemical plant, centrifuge, lab, miner ...
compound turret (PHI-WE) : laser, flame, gun ...
compound equipment (PHI-EQ) : fusion reactor, laser, roboport ...
compound item (PHI-MI) : misc changes, landfill ingredient, effcy effect, electric boiler, mini chest
recipe scaling (PHI-RS) : a larger recipe to use for the faster machine
water (PHI-XW) : offshore pump placement
clock (PHI-XC) : a clock GUI display the current time
player bonus (PHI-PB) : movement speed, inventory slot, crafting speed
creative tools (PHI-CT) : super radar, oil offshore pump, wood reproduction, fish reproduction, empty world generation, loader, linked chest, passive power void