Overloaded Trains

by ptx0

Train acceleration now depends on the loaded items. Makes use of built-in game object weights to impact train speed.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Item weights

4 months ago

Since SA now has built in item weights, it should be possible to use those for train weights if this ever gets ported for 2.0.

2 months ago

item weights in space age are all over the place
full wagon of...:
800 portable fusion reactors = 800t (stacks 20x)
2000 ore = 4t (stacks 50x)
4000 refined concrete = 40t (stacks 100x)
4000 rockets/magazines = 160t (stack 100x)

2 months ago

it already does! you can use other weights adjustment mods and it will affect your train speeds.

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