Train acceleration now depends on the loaded items. Makes use of built-in game object weights to impact train speed.
Transportation of the player, be it vehicles or teleporters.
Augmented or new ways of transporting materials - belts, inserters, pipes!
Trains are great, but what if they could do even more?
Since SA now has built in item weights, it should be possible to use those for train weights if this ever gets ported for 2.0.
item weights in space age are all over the place full wagon of...: 800 portable fusion reactors = 800t (stacks 20x) 2000 ore = 4t (stacks 50x) 4000 refined concrete = 40t (stacks 100x) 4000 rockets/magazines = 160t (stack 100x)
it already does! you can use other weights adjustment mods and it will affect your train speeds.