Napu's Mod

by Napu

This mod adds a lot of new items, including (but not limited to) mining drills, solar panels, crates, long-handed inserters and ore & metal compression.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power Storage

b Currently not working with 0.17

5 years ago

I'm getting an error message that some file is missing and that the mod has to be deactivated for that reason.

5 years ago

Could you paste the error so I can check?
I am not getting any errors

5 years ago

This has been fixed now. Please redownload :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Still getting an error on v1.4.9, which I just downloaded, but the file it can't load is *green-patch.png, not the mask .png

5 years ago

Could you try re-installing the mod? It's working for me

5 years ago

I deleted the .zip file from the library, then redownloaded it, same issue. I'm on MacOS. Is there anything else needed for a reinstall?

5 years ago

Also found the trashcan icon from the manage tab in Mods, reinstalled from there, still the same issue.

5 years ago

I dug into the .zip file in the Mac Library.
The file not found is hr-boiling-green-patch.png, and in fact that file is not in the chemical-plant folder.
It does contain hr-boiling-green-patch-mask.png and hr-boiling-window-green-patch.png but not the one that's being asked for.

5 years ago

I can't even see the mod in my mod list anymore. I can download it but it does not appear in the mod list. I deleted the ZIP file, redownloaded it, nothing. I checked the contents and what I can see is that the root folder in the ZIP file is not named the same as the ZIP file itself. The version number is missing. Still, even if I change the folder name accordingly, I cannot see the mod in the list.

5 years ago

Fixed it manually. duplicated the green-patch-mask.png with a copy named green-patch.png and it works now.

5 years ago


I'll look into this.

5 years ago

It has been fixed!

Evidently there were some duplicate files in the mod that had to be removed.

5 years ago

It works again! Thank you very much! Keep rocking!

5 years ago


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