Factorio and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Adds Tiberium ore that spreads - Harvest it, refine it, and convert it to power, weapons, and other ores. By Zillo7 (0.15), SAH4001 (0.16), Oktabyte (0.17), JamesFire and randomflyingtaco (0.17 update and 0.18+)

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Fixed] Request to update Obeslisks-of-light compatibility

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

The proxy-item of Obeslisks-of-light was updated to be a turret, which makes the turret attack inaccurate when Factorio-Tiberium is enabled (compatibility applied to turrets, and not the new base item)


The smallest change, with a little safety, is :

    for _, name in pairs({"obelisk-of-light", "obelisk-nw", "obelisk-ne", "obelisk-se", "obelisk-sw"}) do
        local turret = data.raw["electric-turret"][name]
        if turret then
            for _, property in pairs({"attack_parameters", "max_health", "collision_box", "selection_box", "energy_source", "map_color", "starting_attack_sound"}) do
                turret[property] = table.deepcopy(tiberium_obelisk_entity[property])

But overall, I rewrote the file to be less difficult to read. (what I believe to be less difficult)

2 years ago

Yeah, I saw your updates to the Obelisks of Light mod on the mod portal and they looked really good. I've included this compatibility update in the 1.1.23 version of Tiberium mod.

New response