Have you ever wanted an assembling machine that can finish a speed module 3 in less than a minute? Or more than a productivity module 3? This mod adds them! 8 New marks of assembling machines and 2 new ones for each modules can revolutionize your base and allow you to product thousands of cables, gear wheels and other simple craftings in a small space. Not enough, well...there are new tiers for furnaces too. If I tell you that only 1 assembly machine mk11 with 7 speed module 5 can finish 24000 products in 1 minute, what will you do? This mod, as the other FactorioPlus (FP) ones, is compatible with Bob's mods.
This mod adds:
_8 new marks of assembling machine;
_2 new tiers for each module.
Very hard to craft, but very powerful.
(For the other machines, see FactorioPlus: Mining)
Find a bug? See the official FactorioPlus mod page on the forum for more details: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=58923
My discord page, if you want to tell me your idea and/or have any suggestion on my mods: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
What would you like to see in the next update? Follow this link: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=62369
FactorioPlus: Ores: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Ores
FactorioPlus: Plates: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Plates
FactorioPlus: Advanced Tech And Alloys: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Advanced-Tech
FactorioPlus: Electronics: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Electronics
(For other FactorioPlus mods see the bottom of this page! )
2.3.2: (Thanks to ekffie)
_Fixed Assembling Machine Mk0's Crafting with bob mods (Finally you could say)
_Added the Assembling Machine Mk0, for automate things from the start.
_As you wanted (if not, see the pool in the forum), i've started add some new tiers of the vanilla electric furnace.
_Added Electric Furnace mk2;
_Added Electric Furnace mk3.
(The colour must be fixed for a question of tiers, i now).
_Changed the vanilla electric furnace's texture; the new tiers of this machine will arrive soon.
_Added Steel Furnace Mk1;
_Added Steel Furnace Mk2.
_Changed the graphic of the Steel Furnace with a better one.
_Changed the graphic of the Stone Furnace with a better one.
_Added Electric Stone Furnace mk1;
_Added Electric Stone Furnace mk2.
_Eliminated FactorioPlus (Fp) machines' 1.4.0 migration: now you can play this mod without Fp mining.
2.0.0: Alien Update:
_Added the Alien Assembler (it's like an Alien version of Assembling Machine and has it's own crafting category);
_Added Refined Omega's Amethyst;
_Added alien orb and artifact.
1.9.0: Roentgenium Update:
_Added 2 new marks of assembling machines: mk10 and mk11 (The maximum crafting speed is now 4.0!);
_Added 2 new tiers of each vanilla module;
For more details, see the forum page.
_This update adds nothing, but now if you want to use my mining drills and quarries you need to download them from Dp77's FactorioPlus: Mining.
You can find it on my mod page or on the bottom of this page.
I've splitted these 2 mods because i couldn't upload the rar file because the quarries' textures are very big (2048x) and the platform doesn't allow me to do that.
_Added gold ore recipe for quarry;
_Because now, with RSO mod, some ores generate in the starting area and some don't, some quarry's recipes will be added soon.
_Fixed assembling machine 2's recipe (Thanks to Dauragon's post ).
_Added Quarry mk3;
_Fixed mining drills recipes: now they're more interesting;
_Added 1 new tier 3 quarry's recipe: quicksilver can now be mined (Quicksilver requied).
_Added Quarry mk2;
_Added some new tier 2 quarry's recipes: my mods ores can now be mined.
uranium ore can now be mined (Sulfuric acid requied).
1.5.0: Quarry Update:
_Added quarry mk1;
_Added some new tier 1 quarry's recipes: vanilla ores can now be mined;
_Added compatibility with Quarry mod.
_Added some new technology researches for the electric mining drills;
_Now you can place and use them.
1.3.0: (Mining update):
_Added electric mining drill mk3;
_Added electric mining drill mk4;
_Added electric mining drill mk5;
_Added electric mining drill mk6;
_Added electric mining drill mk7;
_Added electric mining drill mk8;
_Added electric mining drill mk9;
_The electric mining drills can't be placed for now, but you can craft them without research (take it as a advantage for when i will implement techs and entities).
_Added burner-mining-drill mk3.
_Added burner-mining-drill mk2.
_Released, go to assemble!
FactorioPlus modpack list:
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Plates (and related things like circuits, cables ex.);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Plates) (Beta!)
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Tech trees (labs and science packs);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Advanced-Tech ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: BioExpansion (wood automated process for basic things );
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Bio-Expansion ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Electronics (circuits and processings for make them);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Electronics ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Mining (mining drills and quarries)
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Mining ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Machines (vanilla's structures improvement);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Machines ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Logistics (belts, und. belts, inserters, splitters, robots and roboports and related things);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Hyper-Logistic ) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Power (electric poles, accumulators, generators and related things);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Power) (Beta! )
_Dp77's FactorioPlus: Refining (more methods to refine raw ores);
RELEASED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Refining) (Beta! )
I'll update the modpack for 0.17, be sure, but i'll concentrate now on RealFactory modpack releasing; thank you for the 50k+ downloads with these mods.
Addons: (can be run with or without FP mods)
_Better axes;
UPDATED! (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Better-Axes )
Do you have any suggestion or do you founded a bug? Tell me in the comments page: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=58923
Known issues:
_English...a tiny detail...