Extended Vanilla: Personal Equipment

A complete overhaul to the ordinary personal vanilla equipment, this mod(pack) adds several tiers and types of armors, roboports, exoskeletons, lasers, shields, fusion reactors, and custom equipments, like personal assembling units and backpacks, that boost your crafting speed and inventory. Compatible with Krastorio 2 and jetpack from Earendel, the mod is fully customizable. (See the mod page for more details.)

2 months ago
0.15 - 1.1
Combat Armor
Common sense Copyright
7 years ago
Latest Version:
6.3.1 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
24.9K users

Short description of this mod(pack):

A complete overhaul of the vanilla personal equipment: this mod adds several tiers of armors and equipments, vanilla and custom, and allows you to organize and customize them depending on your needs.
Let me explain this concept a little better.

This mod(pack) adds three types of equipment:

  • Aggro Equipment - Equipment designed for combat and defense purposes;
    (The vanilla armors are part of this category, with lasers and shields.)
  • Industrial Equipment - Equipment thought for productivity and QoL;
    (This includes roboports, exoskeletons, and a new type of armor.)
  • Hybrid Equipment - QoL & Generator equipment usable in both types of armor.
    (For example, the fusion reactors or the night vision equipment.)

Furthermore, the mod is almost fully customizable:

  • You can disable each type of equipment via startup settings: they won't be researchable and usable in the game as long as you don't re-enable them.
  • By editing the mod settings you can fix the maximum tier researchable of power armors;
    (Maybe all these tiers are too much for you and you're just here for a power armor mk3)
  • You can change the size of all the power armor grids respectively;
    (There are 4 different grid sizes that range from small to extra large)
  • You can enable or disable the differentiation between Aggro and Engineering equipments.
    (Useful when you're playing with non-EV modpacks that don't support this feature.)
  • You can buff or nerf the personal roboports stats.

Here's a list of all the currently implemented settings:

And these are all the pieces of equipment that are introduced by the mod:

Fusion reactors:

  • Energy generation: 750kW; 750kW; 1000kW; 1250kW; 1250kW; 2500kW.


  • Movement bonus: 20%; 40%; 60%; 80%; 100%.


  • Robot count: 10; 25; 75; 125; 225; 250.
    (Up to 500 if the robot count setting is setted on "behemoth")
  • Range: 30x30; 40x40; 75x75; 100x100; 150x150; 200x200


  • Too many statistics to write down this page is endless I'm sorry.


  • Shield HPs: 50; 150; 300; 400; 500.

Custom equipments added by the mod:

Assembling units:

  • A brand new type of equipment that works like a belt immunity equipment (no more waste of grid for a 1x1 module), yeah, but is 10 times more useful, since it augments the player's crafting speed.
  • All modules are stackable: you can put any number you want in your grid as long as you have space.
    (Stats are balanced around this fact)
  • The stats are the following:
    | Mk1: +20% bonus on handcrafting speed, belt immunity, 300kW of energy consumption.
    | Mk2: +30% bonus on handcrafting speed, belt immunity, 500kW of energy consumption.
    | Mk3: +75% bonus on handcrafting speed, belt immunity, 1000kW of energy consumption.
    | Mk4: +150% bonus on handcrafting speed, belt immunity, 1500kW of energy consumption.
  • Craftings and technologies are not expensive as the other equipments, since we're talking about utility equipment.


  • Another brand new type of equipment. It also works like a belt immunity equipment, for the same philosophy.
  • As you can imagine it is centered around expanding your inventory size.
  • Here are the stats for each tier:
    | Mk1: +10 inventory slots, belt immunity, 50kW of energy consumption.
    | Mk2: + 20 inventory slots, belt immunity, 150kW of energy consumption.
    | Mk3: + 30 inventory slots, belt immunity, 300kW of energy consumption.

Currently supported compatibilities:

  • Extended Vanilla: Ores & Refining: some intermediate products added by the mod alter some recipes in this mod.
  • Krastorio 2: Fully compatible and integrated in the ev-k2 modpack with the rest of the Ev mods that are currently supported.
  • Jetpack: Create by Earendel, jetpacks count as Hybrid equipment.

Join the community: (Guess what? We talk about factorio!)

Since this mod(pack) has not a forum page, you can follow me on my discord server where you can tell me your idea and/or any suggestion on my mods.
On that forum you can find a dedicated section on all the mods/modpacks on which i'm currently working too.

Projects: (Last updated: 05.04.2024)

  • Make the mod even more customizable via settings. Done!
  • Make the grid sizes customizable Done!
  • Customize and optimize cross-mod recipes Working on.

If you seek other compatibilities:

The mod is coded in a procedural way: implementing new tiers of equipment is an easy thing to do for me, but creating all the textures needed could take some time.


  • If you are a mod owner, you can contact me in private on both discord and the factorio forum;
  • If you're a fan and want a compatibility, feel free to ask me as I told before.
    (DISCLAIMER: I'm more active on discord)

The Extended Vanilla Modpack: (Last updated: 05.04.2024)

The plan to introduce an overhaul to the game is still there, and I've done some interesting work in the past years, but I realized that there's no meaning in continuing for now.

A new factorio update is coming, and it seems to be really huge:

  • I want to see from a modding view how these different planets can affect your progression.
  • I want to see how the new ORES will change this game. (And possibly add new ways to refine them or enhance the already implemented methods.)

So I'm stopping the development of the "intermediates" section until the update will come out.
Then I'll update this section with my thoughts.

Until then, I'll focus on the already released mods... and on compatibilities: yeah for the first time in this mod development... I'll focus on other mods. (Lmao)
Feel free to ask me in the comment section what mod you would like me to boost.

A complete list of the mods on which I'm currently working: (Latest update: 05.04.2024)


Military & Armor:


  • I need to fix some things regarding patreon.

(You've come this far? Really? What do you want? Schreenshots? Just download and spam my guy this mod will allow you to, trust me.)

Known issues:

  • I got a B2, yeah, but my mistakes are endless I'm sorry. :D