
Self-taught hobby modder.

Mods by ickputzdirwech

Shortcuts for 2.0

Adds a host of useful shortcuts and custom inputs to improve QOL. Shortcuts for: - Toggles for equipment and personal logistic requests - Artillery cannon fire toggle - Environment deconstruction planner - Vehicle settings and train manual mode - Rail block visualisation, player lamp, customizable grid overlay and far zoom - Shortcuts for various other mods Original mod by npc_strider (morley376): mods.factorio.com/mod/Shortcuts

4 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Combat Logistic network Blueprints

Automatic train repair

If any locomotive or wagon is destroyed the train is stopped and a ghost is created. Including inventory filters, inventory limit and requests for fuel and equipment. As soon as the train is fully repaired it is set to automatic mode again.

3 years ago
Trains Blueprints

More Coins

Adds silver and bronze coins. Unlocks the vanilla (gold) coin and provides recipes to exchange the coins with each other. The names and exchange rates are Harry Potter style. Doesn't provide any way to obtain the coins. This mod is primarily meant as an inspiration for other modders, but can be used in combination with other mods that use the coin.

3 years ago

ick's vanilla tweaks

Upgrade recipes for armor, furnaces etc. Signals with recipe icons that are missing in vanilla. Variated mining results for trees, rocks and fish. Missing dependencies for bonus technologies. Highly configurable.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

ick's helper mod pack

A collection of non-game-changing, helper and decorative mods I like. Also some small changes to make them more compatible.

Mod packs
4 years ago

ick's Sea Block Pack deprecated

Custom version of the Sea Block Pack. Other than the original mod pack this mod applies some small changes, mostly hiding unnecessary clutter and reordering stuff. All changes, including to dependencies, can be found in the description.

Mod packs
3 years ago

SeaBlockCleanup deprecated

THIS MOD IS DEPRECATED: I started a new, but similar project called "ick's Sea Block Pack" This mod is an addition to the SeaBlock mod pack. It removes things like mining drills, pumpjacks and equivalent research since they are useless in SeaBlock. Replaces vanilla concrete and refined concrete with concrete bricks and reinforced concrete bricks from Angel's Smelting and removes the bob valve in favour of the angels valves. Also rearranges some recipes and changes some recipes so they use the previous tier as an ingredient.

5 years ago

Easter eggs deprecated

You can't go outside looking for Easter eggs anymore? Don't worry. With this mod you can stay safe in front of your computer. Discover Nauvis and search for these beautiful Easter eggs. Leave no stone unturned, search under every tree, fish for treasure and if you're bothered by those pesky biters, you know what to do: bomb them to hell!

4 years ago