Zar's Nuclear Tweaks

Various optional tweaks to make nuclear power a bit more sensible and easier to get started with.

3 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power Cheats


Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024-05-29
    - Initial release.
    - The mod contains various tweaks and options related to nuclear power.
    - Configurable options:
      - Change probability of getting U-235 from Uranium Processing.
      - Change the catalyst amount of U-235 required for the Kovarex Process to run.
      - Set Nuclear Fuel stack size.
      - Recover some or all of the Iron Plates when recycling Used Up Uranium Fuel Cells.
    - Other options:
      - Simplify the mining of Uranium Ore by moving the need for Sulfuric Acid to a new Yellow
        Cake production stage in an Assember Mk2+.
      - Make Centrifuge accumulate no more ingredients for the Kovarex Process than what is needed
        for the next production cycle.
      - Scale Nuclear Reactor energy usage so no fuel is wasted when at max. temperature.
      - Remove Rocket Fuel from Nuclear Fuel Recipe, along with relevant tech prerequisite.
      - Reduce current cost of Nuclear Reactor and Centrifuge by 20%.
      - Reduce current cost of some nuclear tech, especially the Kovarex Process.