Wooden Logistics

Adds wood-tier belts, a lumber mill, wooden cargo wagons, and makes rails and other miscellaneous recipes cost wood.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Manufacturing Power
8 months ago
Latest Version:
2.4.1 (a day ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
924 users

Wooden Logistics

For some reason you can't seem to grasp how to build metal machines until you've tried making them out of wood... good thing there's lots of it around!


  • Lumber, a new intermediate material (enabled by default)
  • The Lumber mill, a new assembling machine with +50% productivity unlocked on Gleba when SA is installed (enabled by default)
  • Wooden transport belts (enabled by default)
  • Wooden cargo wagons for trains (enabled by default)
  • Wooden big electric poles (disabled by default, I recommend using Big wooden pole instead)
  • Settings to add wood/lumber to: Inserters, Rails, Assembling machine 1s, and Repair packs
  • Setting to slightly nerf small electric poles, just because :)

Wooden Cinematic Universe

Enjoy the vibe? Check out these other mods!
- Early Agriculture: Grow wood early-game on Nauvis with a worse Agricultural tower.
- Wooden Industry: Cook wood into Charcoal for smelting Steel, and Resin for plastics.
- Astroponics: Grow stuff in space, recycling the bioslurry byproduct back into fertilizer.
- Fulgora: Coralmium Agriculture: Synthesize Lumber from plastic which you can harvest in abundance from farmable Coralmium clusters.
- Vulcanus: Sulfuric Bacteria: Glue Woodchips together by cultivating bacteria native to the sulfur vents of Vulcanus.
- Wooden Military: Make ammo out of wood. It's not very good ammo. Also has a Hard Mode if you really wanna have a bad time.
- Cupric Asteroids: Asteroids made out of... copper and green stuff? Weird. (See Wooden Military's Hard Mode)

These are designed to make Wood an essential resource, whether it makes sense or not.


  • .Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam by ldinc: Compatibility with APMods is maintained from that end, please report compatibility bugs/requests over there, thanks!
