Unfunny Science

(BETA) Entire game overhaul, ~900 more recipes. Makes the chemistry and industrial processes more "realistic" while trying to keep fun factor. Almost every recipe has a few byproducts to deal with, making even green circuits a challenge to automate.

10 months ago
Logistics Environment Mining Fluids Circuit network Manufacturing Power

g Tired of burners?

10 months ago

Are you tired of burners? Are you tired of constantly connecting new coal line to every inserter, centrifuge, assembler of furnace? Not anmore! Grab yours "AmmoLoader+", set distance range from 32 to 64 and rebuild your world!
Required "AmmoLoader: Fuel" reserch. . .
And electronic circiut, so it is still "bananced".

NOTE : AmmoLoader+ (1.1.14) require change in prototype.lua to work.

Uch, I hope that this "sarcastic" text help you in play in "Unfunny Science". ;)

10 months ago

Thats not really how it should be played, but play the way you want. What change needs to be made? I should be able to make it on my end

10 months ago

Even tho i also use few suport mods , you can say. But at least to get them working is a chalenge too.

To the question what change needs to be made . i would say add some steam assemblers or burning fuel fluid, that could come handy. I have have seen few mods use these. and i liked the idea.

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