Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 0.2.1 Date: 12.02.2024 Bugfixes: - Compatibility fixes. - Removed uneccessary dependencies.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 11.23.2024 Changes: - Removed BSP from foundations (Sorry). - Added bio night vision research. Bugfixes: - Can no longer recycle chitin from concrete. - Fixed crash on cargo pod spawning.
Version: 0.1.16 Date: 11.23.2024 Changes: - Improved mod compatibility. - Hidden recipes until unlocked. - Added optional lit up belts. Bugfixes: - Can no longer recycle chitin from concrete. - Fixed crash on cargo pod spawning.
Version: 0.1.15 Date: 11.21.2024 Changes: - Added zh-CN locale thanks to plexpt.
Version: 0.1.14 Date: 11.20.2024 Bugfixes: - More mod compatibility. - Removed useless recipes.
Version: 0.1.13 Date: 11.20.2024 Bugfixes: - Added factorissimo compatability.
Version: 0.1.12 Date: 11.19.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash that would sometimes happen when drop orbital pods to tenebris.
Version: 0.1.11 Date: 11.19.2024 Bugfixes: - Added science pack to correct places. - Fixed recipes that could be crafted off tenebris. Changes: - Added biobeacon. - Updated some art.
Version: 0.1.10 Date: 11.19.2024 Bugfixes: - ttype = function fix.
Version: 0.1.9 Date: 11.19.2024 Changes: - Updated glowdentale graphics.
Version: 0.1.8 Date: 11.19.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed game crash on Tenebris planet entry.