This mod adds many different mini games or a normal factorio game but with team management and objectives. The different mini games have a variety of adjustable goals and conditions. As infered with the name, the mod is intended to be played with multiple teams, however solo play is possible for most modes.
How to use it
Install the mod, play over New game, "Free play". You will start in the lobby area. There the admin can choose the scenario to play, and all players may join a team and start the game.
Current game modes
- Free Rocket-Silo | First team to launch the required number rockets from anywhere
- Fixed Rocket-Silo | First team to launch the required number rockets exactly in the center of the map
- Destroy The Giant Nest | First team to destroy the giant nest at the center of the map
- Nest Hunter | First team to kill a certain number of nests
- Production Challenge | First team to produce the required item
- Wealthiest Nation | First team to accumulate a lot of money on the market
- Tank Fortress | Deathmatch with mobile factories, a threatening red mist and a shrinking map
- Deep Rock | Timed race to be the most valuable mining company working on caves of dangerous asteroid
- Alien Wars | Grow your own alien force to attack opposing teams. Worms are used instead of turrets
- Abandoned Facility | First team to repair the main reactor of an abandoned and infested factory
- D-Day | (HARD) Land and survive on an infested island with abandoned factories and military enemy soldiers. Win by killing the big boss
- One Way Train | Survive from a collapsing world on a moving train that is your a mobile factory
- MOBA | Destroy the opposing team's rocket on a small arena with waves of biters and buildings to capture
- Wave defense | Survive endless enemy attack waves, protecting your rocket silo
- Escape Room | Survive and be the first team to escape all rooms
- Sectorial Factory | You can only build on certain tiles. Explore to find terminals where you can buy new building areas.
- Locomotive Factory | Your train is your mobile factory. Explore the world upon rails and win by launching a rocket at the marked location.
- Rocket Claim | (Requires Territory Claim) First team to buy the center square to build a rocket
- Warp Drive Machine | (Requires Warp Drive Machine) Your ship with warp drive is broken and uncontrollable, and seems better at attracting biters than travelling safe
- Space Exploration | (Requires Space Exploration) Each team will start on a different planet
- Free game | No objectives, just a normal game
World Market system option
Trade resources with other teams or a simulation.
Market modes: Disabled, Free Trading (default), Forced Trading 1, Forced Trading 2 or Extreme Trading.
- Free Trading | a market is added to each team base for players to buy and sell stuff.
- Forced/extreme Trading | some items have very different prices between teams, forcing trade between them. Optimal with pairs of teams (2 teams coop, 2v2, 2v2v2... (team 1's prices are complementary with team 2's, team 3's with team 4's etc.)
Multiple Alien Force option
Independent biter forces each with its own evolution factor. It means each team can have their own biter/pollution problem.
Complementary mod
- Rocket-Silo Construction, if you are planning a long term game, specially for rocket silo modes.
- RPGsystem, especially for "MOBA" scenario.
- Implant camera, especially for "Alien Wars" mode, so you can watch your units attacking.
- Science droids, especially for "Abandoned Facility" scenario.
- Mining Drones, especially for "One Way Train" scenario.
- Resource Richness Distance Multiplier, if you like RSO (this one can't be used here bacause it is incompatible with multiple starting locations).
The circle base generation is based on the work of Oarc. His scenario is a great game and based my inspiration for this mod.
Thanks to snouz for some new graphics and the mod thumbnail!
Thanks to Cobaia and Coyote for testing and fun play!