Solid Waste Pollution Filter

by Signa8

Adds in a way to clear pollution using a water filter technique.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing

i Coal as an output?

1 year, 28 days ago
(updated 1 year, 28 days ago)


I read the other thread, I'll start by saying that I really enjoy how this mod comes out as a closed loop of water. It is more interesting that just having it pump in continuously. Good job!

Could the solid pollution recipe (either when making the brick, or when making the pollution block) randomly produce a small amount of coal as well? We're 100% absorbing a lot that too. I don't think it should make a lot, but it would be a good fit imo. A second output you have to deal with.

2 months ago

Oops, sorry, I wasn't checking in on new threads.

If you ever pop in to see this, I guess it's possible to set that up with my incredibly limited knowledge of modding, but I'm hesitant to do it for a couple reasons.

1) I'm not 100% sure I can get it to work
2) I really wasn't looking to make this mod "mine" by reposting it. I did modify one feature already, so I guess that point is kinda moot, but that change feels like I'm taking a step further
3) I feel like the mod is already a bit OP as it is. It already makes stone mining almost pointless, and having it offer coal too would make new ways for it to be abused, like putting a pollution cleaner next to your plastic or grenade factories so you can skip running a coal line to them while also cleaning the pollution from those factories.

All that said, I will think about it, and offer it as a separate mod if I decide to do it. Or maybe make it a third, end-game building that is the same as the standard cleaner, but offer the coal too.

a month ago

Yeah, that is a bit Op, mostly because it keeps going even after there is no pollution to eat.

I have a script that was meant to turn these off, but the mod where it was meant to be never got finished.

New response