Hello! First of all thank you for the work you have put in so far. Basic idea for this is interesting. Naturally this is really early version and some of the stuff that i will point out is probably something you guys allready know :D But nevertheless I want to contribute.
Unnecessary technologies. Naturally technologies like steel furnace / mining should be removed OR replaced with something. For example There could be like tiered asteroid collector / crushers / smelters that are available at the start of the game and more advanced stuff would be available later on game.
You can send stuff to the surface :D I accidently pressed ctrl and clicked item stack on the hub and it sended it to the "surface". :D Naturally as surfaces are not available this feature should be removed. UNLESS you want to make it somekind of "minigame" inside the game that. ok there is "surface" and they require some iron and you would have minigame to send 1000 iron etc. to the surface and receive somekind of reward.
If i look the factoriopedia there is the original metallic asteroid recipe shown (that just gives 20 iron ore and asteroid. It doesn't show any technology which unlock that one but still says it can be done in crusher. I am not sure if that is intended, but I would personally prefer ability to have specified asteroid crushing recipes in such way that I could do only stones and only copper etc. (of course this is not issue as belts can easily be balanced and any excess materials coudl be discarded directly to the space. But still i would prefer those sw
I don't think it is good design that "player" inventory cannot be used to instant build stuff as the hub is used. As the hub is at the start able to automatically build stuff, so should the player inventory also. It would make more sense if you would take the automatic build away and make it technology, but I would still say that is unnecessary make players to "manually" build stuff. So if i could I would have the player inventory to be able to be used. I play long enough to unlock "robots".