
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and calcite. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

1 year, 1 month ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g Sulfur Dioxide

1 year, 4 months ago

Now 250 hours into a run (definately could be quicker!) just midway through getting the tier 3 production buildings. The main thing I am really struggling with is Sulfur. Having just unlocked helium I thought I may be about to relieve this shortage somewhat but it appears to just make 1000 volcanic gas a minute requires 208 distillery 3s seperating air so whilst it may be a small addition it is certainly not going to fix my shortage!

Any tips or things I might have missed? I have productivity modules in all the wells and buildings using sulfur in any way.


1 year, 4 months ago
(updated 1 year, 4 months ago)

I'd suggest speed modules in the wells, and speed beacons surrounding the wells. They're infinite like vanilla oil. They're somewhat depleted, but only down to a minimum of 25% of their original value. So speed lets you get more, indefinitely. And productivity is watered down for mining since it's added to the passive mining productivity bonus from tech.

Use exploration drones to reveal more of the map and find more volcanic deposits. They get bigger the further from the origin point you go.

Where is most of your sulfur going? You usually don't need vast quantities. If you have sulfur shortages, you should stick with the hydrochloric dust dissolution recipe rather than the sulfuric one. If you're getting all your rutile with sulfuric acid, consider making more use of the silica byproduct recipe. You should be able to get most of your rutile that way and only use the sulfuric recipe occasionally.

Many of the core uses of sulfuric acid return some sulfur dioxide byproduct, so make sure to capture and reuse it when possible.

1 year, 4 months ago

Thanks, Speed modules might be the answer, the big thing that seems to eat through my stocks is the sodium sulphate but actually looking at I realise that I am trying to pull all my volcanic gas through the boron collection process which is probably not necessary as I have 1800 stacks just sat waiting to be used....!

Im already making most of my rutile from silica and recycling by products

Thanks for your help

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