
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and calcite. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

10 months ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g Meaning of "void in N"

3 years ago

Recent version added some auxiliary text like "(void in N)" where N is a number from 1 to 4. Some of them are also suffixed with + or *

What do they mean?

3 years ago

All fluids now have a chimney or outfall icon if they can be voided in one of those. If not they either have (unvoidable) or (void in N). Previously those fluids would all just say (nondisposable), but now it distinguishes between fluids that can be turned into another fluid that can be disposed versus fluids that can never be voided. A (void in 1) fluid can be turned into voidable fluids in a single step. A (void in 2) fluid can be turned into a (void in 1) fluid in one step, and so on. + means that it can only be voided in that few steps with moderately high tech, otherwise it would take more steps. * means it can only be voided with end game technology.

No solid item can be voided directly, but some byproduct intermediates are given the (void in N) tag too. Things like gravel that you might need to get rid of and can convert into a voidable fluid.

3 years ago

I understand, thank you.

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