
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and calcite. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

1 year, 21 days ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g Wiki

3 years ago


I just wanted to start a Notion page/database for myself, about recipes, to quickly see what alternative about a recipe might be worth it, not worth it or worth in combination. (Even with the suggested Recipe Book mod, the recipes can be pretty complex and too much to keep in short term memory all at once to compare.)

Just before starting, I was wondering if there might be a Nullius Wiki somewhere already, as it would make more sense to do this work together for a community, rather just alone for just myself.

I have two questions now:
- Is there any interest by anyone to work on something like that together?
- @anachrony: Are you in support of this? Do you oppose the idea?

I lack the time to manage such a project long-term, especially when it comes to potential community management and the like. I'd happily lay the foundation though, as in creating templates, starting to enter data etc., intending to hand over the project if someone else steps up.


3 years ago

I'm not aware of a resource like this for Nullius.

A website that I found useful for Angelbob's was this, and it also has configurations for some other mod packs.

Unfortunately this site doesn't appear to be updated anymore, nor does it have a Nullius configuration. There used to be another Factorio site with a similar interface at that appears to be no longer available.

I don't know the story behind this utility, but it would be nice if it could be resurrected, updated, and have Nullius data imported. Presumably they have a tool to browse the .lua files and populate these databases automatically rather than doing it by hand. If there is a possibility of contacting the owner and helping to maintain this tool, it might be easier than trying to edit a wiki by hand.

It might be possible to create a simple lua script that runs in Factorio and spits out data on all available technologies, recipes, and products to a log file, possibly formatted in some wiki-friendly syntax. It might be easier than manual data entry, and you could re-use the same script for other modpacks.

3 years ago

Thanks for the reply and thanks for the link. Awesome tool indeed.
I'm a software developer, if I had time, writing a script is what I'd naturally do, and if I'd have to manually transfer every single item out of the game into a wiki, the script approach would most likely win by far, but as I need just maybe 20-30 items or so, it would be overkill.

I guess I'll start with my notion page, and if there is any interest, I'll try to set up a wiki on (or wikia, if miraheze doesn't work out) and transfer the data.

3 years ago

Being further into the game, I think I will drop my wiki idea. A hierarchical display of production chains would still be desirable quite often, but as to deciding which recipe to use, the advantage of picking boxed recipes wherever possible outweighs the potentially slightly worse recipes.

New response