What percentage of power does your suit have? If you're at 0% power, then the bots will wait until your equipment charges up. The starter bots are suitable for small jobs, but will run down your power on larger tasks. And if it happens to be at night, recharging may take a while since it's powered by solar panels. Upgrading to a better suit with more solar panels and batteries/capacitors will help. Placing down the roboport is a good workaround for larger construction projects, and that's why a logistics chest was added to the starter equipment.
If it's not power issues with your suit, another alternative is the little button in the center that toggles your roboport off (alt+r).
If it's neither of those things, I don't really have any other theories. They work for me. We can discuss options for how to demonstrate your bug if you've ruled out the other explanations. You can join us on the Nullius Discord if you want to post screenshots or other files supporting your bug report.