More Quality Scaling

by sh4dow

Extends quality scaling to locomotives, wagons, storage tanks, rocket silos and roboports.

7 hours ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Fluids Logistic network Storage
9 hours ago
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1.0.1 (7 hours ago)
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More Quality Scaling

Adds configurable quality scaling to locomotives, wagons, storage tanks, rocket silos and roboports


Increases maximum speed (km/h) and acceleration (kW) with quality, without increasing the fuel consumption (by default).
The speed bonus can be configured across various levels (speed of a legendary locomotive on coal is shown for comparison):
"None" (no change) -> 259.2 km/h
"Vanilla-ish" (1.5% per quality level) -> 278.6 km/h
"Conservative" (3% per quality) -> 298 km/h (like rocket fuel bonus)
"Balanced" (4.5% per quality) -> 317 km/h (like the difference between normal and legendary rocket fuel)
"Significant" (7.5% per quality) -> 356 km/h (like legendary rocket fuel bonus)
"Powerful" (12%) -> 415 km/h
"OP" (21%) -> 531 km/h
"very OP" (30%) -> 648 km/h (scaling like the speed of assembling machines)

The acceleration always follows the default scaling (+30% per quality level).

Fuel consumption can either be proportional to acceleration ("linear"), proportional to speed (keeping fuel per distance roughly the same), constant (keeping fuel per time the same), inverse (making distance per fuel increase with quality) or even increase fuel use quadratically with maximum speed (simulating air resistance).

Cargo and Fluid Wagons

Increases capacity of items/fluids (+30% per level)
- Uncommon: 52 stacks of items, 65k Fluid storage
- Rare: 64 stacks, 80k fluid
- Epic: 76 stacks, 95k fluid
- Legendary: 100 stacks, 125k fluid

Additionally, maximum speed and braking force scale in the same way as the locomotives by default.
Alternatively, wagons of all qualities support the top speed of the best quality locomotive, while optionally still scaling the capacity.

Artillery Wagon

No direct change, but internally increased max speed to match the increased Locomotive speed (either statically or linked to quality)

Storage Tank

Increases fluid capacity (+30% per level).

Rocket Silos

Silo door opening speed, rocket rising speed and launch speed are affected by quality (+30% per level; effect identical to QualityRockets, but can apply to modded rocket silos).


Makes quality affect charging station count.


Each of these changes can be enabled (default) or disabled in the mod startup settings.


Based on the mod "More Quality Uses" by Maya_XTG, and incorporating the changes from "QualityRockets" by Moterius