Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

9 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Pending?] Error loading mod with K2

4 years ago

Hm, so those lines are related to the mining drill when using bob's mods, and trying to copy the higher tier mining drills added by bob's. Using mini and bob's mining in my current pack doesn't reproduce the error, so there must be some other mods affecting the issue.

Any other big mods? Angel's, omni (please no), etc

4 years ago

angels and omni, error only happens when i load in krastorio2

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I really don't think you're supposed to be using those mods together. Ahh, I found the problem though. Overlapping conditions; I have some custom logic for bob's mining drills, and I also have some custom logic for Krastorio2 miners, and no checks to do one or the other (so it tries to do both and fails).

Both Krastorio2 and Bob's Mining adds higher tier mining drills, so I'd have to pick one to build from (since I can't base the stats on both). Bob's Mining Drills doesn't add anything that isn't already in Krastorio2, so they really shouldn't even be used together. In fact, the Kras2 mining drills are actually more expensive and more complex to build, but are weaker in every way compared to the higher tier Bob's Mining Drills. Even technology-wise, the t2 bob's drills only require red and yellow science, while the t2 Kras2 drills required red, yellow, and blue, AND require more of it.

EDIT: I'm not sure this even requires any compatibility, it should just not be allowed. Removing Bob's Mining Drills from my test set allowed the game to load properly. Though wasn't testing with angels or omni at the time.

New response