Yeah, definitely! I strongly encourage anyone to provide feedback or ask questions when they have them; I am more than happy to respond to them, and to explain my reasoning. And first off, thanks for using my mod! Glad to hear someone's been enjoying it.
So regarding the removal of the mini balance setting... during a not-so-recent conversation with the creator of the Electric Furnaces mod, I realized that my "balancing" changes, were actually causing most of the mini machines to be completely overpowered compared to their base machines.
I was assuming that reducing everything by 2/3 would keep everything balanced, and that reducing module slots and crafting speed on top of that, should make them functionally "weaker" than the bigger machines. But the formulas are a little more complex than I thought.
Specifically, by reducing the power consumption of the mini machines compared to the base machines, the equation is fundamentally altered; for example, the mini assembler has the same crafting speed as the regular assembler, but uses less power. This means that less power is needed to craft the same object. That's less resources that need to go into power, making the mini assembler better than the regular assembler. Module slots are also identical between the two, so even lategame can't make up for this discrepancy.
By making the mini machines the same as the base machines.. well, it ensures that they are at least balanced against each other. One is just smaller. I think I even removed the recipe cost tweak (reducing by 2/3), so they are near identical.
This method also helps in one other area... mod compatibility. Since I'm just copying the stats of the existing machines, I don't have to worry about specific changes when using specific mods. That's less code that I have to deal with.
Basically, I don't know how to balance them properly, so I gave up on balancing and hoped no one would notice/care. I've just been working on this total rewrite for so long, and wanted to get it out there already.
Maybe I could go back and try to balance things. Something as simple as reducing the number of module slots by one might even be enough. It just needs to be something I can "math", using the existing value; not something I have to set for specific machines in specific cases.
But then, what other values are there to balance? Definitely don't want to mess with power consumption; that's fine the way it is. Crafting speed might possibly work. Though I can't just reduce by 2/3, because awkward values will mess up crafting chains. Maybe a flat reduction of 0.5? Although for the t1 assembler, that would result in 0 crafting speed... it's tough.
If you have any ideas for balancing, I would love to hear them. Balance is something I value pretty highly. I just couldn't trust myself to do it properly, knowing that my idea of "balance", was already flawed.