Ah, that is exactly what it does, copy the base entity and then make changes, if necessary.
I don't know why someone would use both of these mods together, as they add some similar things.. but I guess there's two options; I could either disable mini furnace creation entirely when Electric Furnaces is detected... or I could formally support Electric Furnaces, the same way I support bobs mods, creating mini electric furnaces up to tier 3.
Just because it doesn't really make sense to me, to just "make it work", in that way, since the Electric steel furnace is unlocked Before the Mini electric furnace, but it's stronger and prettier. Although I think the Electric steel furnace has no slots, compared to the one slot in the Mini electric furnace, it's not really enough.
I think I'd like to formally support Electric Furnaces; I mean, I've always appreciated the existence of the mod, even if it has a little overlap with mine. In this case, it would be my pleasure to implement this compatibility fix/feature :D