Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

a month ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [Fixed] [Added] Error with Electric Furnaces.

5 years ago

In .17 getting an error with Electric Furnaces. (
They worked well together in .16. Not sure which mod is in error. Reporting to both.
"Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "mini-furnace-1" (furnace):next_upgrade target (electric-furnace-2) must have the same grid alignment (bounding boxes aren't compatible or tile_width/tile_height aren't compatible)." Mods to be disabled: mini-machines.

5 years ago

I'm not able to check now, but I suspect the mini-furnace prototype is copied from electric-furnace, which my mod alters by setting next_upgrade.
Kryzeth, can I suggest you explicitly set next_upgrade to nil in your prototype? I don't like asking others to implement compatibility fixes for me but this seems the neatest solution.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Ah, that is exactly what it does, copy the base entity and then make changes, if necessary.

I don't know why someone would use both of these mods together, as they add some similar things.. but I guess there's two options; I could either disable mini furnace creation entirely when Electric Furnaces is detected... or I could formally support Electric Furnaces, the same way I support bobs mods, creating mini electric furnaces up to tier 3.

Just because it doesn't really make sense to me, to just "make it work", in that way, since the Electric steel furnace is unlocked Before the Mini electric furnace, but it's stronger and prettier. Although I think the Electric steel furnace has no slots, compared to the one slot in the Mini electric furnace, it's not really enough.

I think I'd like to formally support Electric Furnaces; I mean, I've always appreciated the existence of the mod, even if it has a little overlap with mine. In this case, it would be my pleasure to implement this compatibility fix/feature :D

5 years ago

Actually I've just realised there's any easy fix I can and should do: move my modification of the electric furnace to data-updates instead of data.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I don't think that would help in this case, since I copy everything in data-final-fixes, precisely because I want to wait until any other mods have changed the vanilla entities, so that I can properly copy the thing that will appear in game.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Oh, well I made the change anyway. It won't stop your fix (explicitly setting next_upgrade to nil in your copied entity) from working.

5 years ago

Hmmm... just a couple of questions before I finish up this compatibility patch, but do the numbers in your machines mean anything? I notice that the stone, steel, t1, and t2 electric furnaces all use 180kw of power, with only the t3 using 240kw. And then the crafting speed increases linearly, except for the steel and t1 furnaces, which only differ by module slots. And then the t2 furnace only gains 1 crafting speed over the t1, with the same number of module slots, and then the t3 furnace jumps to 4 module slots.

Is there any method to the madness, or was balancing not a major part of the equation when creating these machines?

I'm wondering mostly because I don't know how to stat my t1 mini furnace, compared to the new electric steel furnace and t1 electric furnace.

5 years ago

Oh god don't ask me for balance advice I just make it up as I go along.

The stone and steel furnaces use double the fired versions' power, to account for boilers being 50% efficient before 0.17, making the electric versions use twice the fuel per operation.
The tier 1 furnace's upgrade over the steel furnace is its module slots. Upgrading to tier 2 gives you more speed for the same power draw, reducing the cost per operation. Tier 3 gives you more speed and more slots, but the power consumption increases in proportion to speed so with no modules it's the same cost per operation as the tier 2.

I asked players what they thought and they seemed to like it, so it works I guess.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Lol, yeah I was testing that, and it does seem to take double the fuel to power an electric stone furnace over a regular stone furnace. I'm assuming the steel furnace works the same way.

Hmmm, when you put it that way.. I guess it all makes sense on paper. It just looks weird in practice.

Actually, measuring my machines now... they're all OP lmao. My t1 and t2 mini assembling machines require 33% less power for the exact same crafting speed, and in the t1's case, they have the same module slots as well. I think I made all the mini machines the same way... I think you got the balance perfectly right.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Alright, Electric Furnaces mod should now be fully compatible as of v6.0.1

That was actually surprisingly simple, considering they rely on the same tech unlocks, and use the same internal names as the bobs mods furnaces do. I think they even have the same stats, since the mini machines fit perfectly in line with the base machines during testing. Aside from changing the icons, that was all rather painless.

Just added a simple check for Electric Furnaces mod alongside the checks for bobs mods furnaces, so if either mod is detected, they follow the same procedures. Very nice.

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