Material Storage

Factorio mod inspired by Applied Energistics 2 from Minecraft. Store items, smelt plates, craft and disassemble goods and refine oil - all this inside a single chest inventory. Does not support quality

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Storage

g Advanced Oil Processing Overflows Storage

a month ago

Any way you can add a template that allows for conversion of petroleum gas to crude oil? Because as per the title shows, if I am empty of crude oil, it forces it to craft using Advanced Oil Processing Template - Overflowing both the Light and Heavy Oil, or possibly a type of conversion that prioritizes over the Advanced Oil Processing Template.

I noticed it far in the mid-game, that it stacked over 280k digital Oil

a month ago

Also new vanilla template when? :3

a month ago

Hello, probably I didn't understand the essence of your problem, but there is a way to turn all your digital oil without having to deal with any byproducts.

There are 3 templates that allow you to work with oil products and they replicate the full cycle of vanilla advanced oil processing. Here is a breakdown:

"Chemical Template: Advanced Oil Processing" - it consumes digital crude oil and digital water and turns it into 3 products: digital heavy oil, digital light oil and digital petroleum gas. It happens when you have digital petroleum gas as a filter in a cell

"Chemical Template: Heavy Oil Cracking" - it consumes digital water and digital heavy oil to produce digital light oil. This happens when you have digital light oil as filter in your chest

"Chemical Template: Light Oil Cracking" - takes digital water and digital light oil to produce digital petroleum gas

That means that if you meet following conditions (bellow) you would turn all your digital crude oil into digital petroleum gas

1) You want to have all 3 chemical templates in a chest
2) You want to have a filter set for 2 products: Digital Petroleum Gas (to trigger both Advanced Oil Processing and Light Oil Cracking) and Digital Light Oil (to trigger Heavy Oil Cracking)

Also, templates are processed in a specific order, line by line from left to right, so try to put Advanced Oil Processing template as a last one, so it will try to create Petroleum Gas from Light Oil first. Same goes to other templates, try to prioritize them by moving their positions in the chest

a month ago

Also worth noticing that templates are triggered on demand, that means if you for example already have all filtered cells filled with Digital Petroleum Gas it won't do anything unless you consume some

a month ago

Also new vanilla template when? :3

Which ones are your most needed?

a month ago

I may have misplaced the order of them, causing it to create excess even though it doesn't need it, I didn't know the order was left to right, so I ordered it by how they looked instead, I'll try and order them by how your mod was designed, but thank you for the help ^^

a month ago

Also templates I'm thinking about are the Concrete, Solar Panel, Accumulator Template, Big Electric Pole, Substation, and or Repair Pack - Your mod is freaking amazing that having these templates can help out on giving players an auto requested items on the move!

Oh and also a wireless access may have, so when crafting by hand it uses the digital storage's resources - but this may be a bit too much to ask, but hella a lot of fun to have, a lot of potential, can't wait for big changes ahead X3

a month ago

Oh- Forgotten about the bulk inserter, that too can be of big help in the long run

a month ago

Hey. Just revised a code to be sure that I didn't lie to you about actual mechanics. And it so happened that I misinformed you.

When there is a time to make crafting procedures in a game loop, script takes all crafting templates using a factorio API method called "inventory.get_contents()" and it not always returns a list of items in the order they actually placed inside the chest, so probably rearranging templates won't help much.

I want to suggest you start using Material Combinator. That thing looks like ordinary constant combinator but it always shows an actual content of your digital storage. Try to limit digital crude oil input flow with some condition like "Digital Heavy Oil < 2000" AND "Digital Light Oil < 2000". In that case new crude oil won't saturate storage unless all byproducts are turned into Petroleum Gas. The schema could look like this:

a month ago

Yep, 200k Heavy/Light oil again XD

a month ago

Well I'm fairly new to logistics, so using combinators will be tough one for me, I do wish we have an internal system - something like a requester from refined storage/applied energistics

a month ago

You could avoid using logic combinators and complex condition, just put direct wire between conveyor belt that inputs digital crude oil and material combinator and make conveyor allow to work if only digital heavy oil is less than 2k. In that case system would be forced to use heavy/light oil. Just do not forget to put at least 1 filtered cell for light oil and all 3 chemical templates

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