Enemy Race Manager

by heyqule

Add support to have multiple races of enemies and add various RTS elements. Enemy become tougher as you kill them. Added aerial enemies. Support free for all or 1vN. Search "ERM -" mods to download the new enemies.

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies Environment

i Flying enemies - toggle

5 months ago

Hello! If possible please consider putting in a toggle to disable aerial units completely, despite disabling Flying Squad massive swarms of air units still spawn, making it nearly impossible to deal with.

5 months ago

1.20.x has that function, turning aerial units into "land" units.

It doesn't work well with the new pathing functions, so I removed it after 1.21.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Edit: re-read the discussion, understand it better.
Still, would like some way to make water actually block all Nauvis enemies.
Even if it means disabling the corrupted robots, or turning them into normal land units. Or maybe spidertron-like pathing?

Is this toggle not working?
Or is there some other mechanic for flying enemies?
I disabled flying squads in map settings, but sometimes I get a wave of corrupted defenders flying right over the sea and into my factory.
There's multiple land routes for them to attack, and the biter waves use those.
I have, Frost Biters, Armoured Biters, Zerg, and Toss.
No Toxic Biters.
Combat Mechanics Overhaul and Additional Turrets both show up in the corrupted roboport.
King Jo's Vehicle Master and Additional Turrets show up on the corrupted defender.
Zerg and Toss are set to only spawn on their planets, Nauvis should just be "enemy".

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

The best you can do is disable the "flying squad" for the custom spawn groups, and then snipe the roboports or spawner that spawn flying units near your base while leaving the biter/spitter spawner intact to absorb the pollutions. This way the pollution won't able to reach base with flying unit.

The mod is designed to be all out RTS mod. It's my goal to destroy your base in a fair way if you ain't prepared. So handicaps them isn't an option.

a month ago

Makes sense, would be nice if we had some flying units of our own, but Terran doesn't seem to be updated yet.

a month ago

Terran is waiting for Klonan's Unit control 2.0 update.

a month ago

And how can i kill the flying enemies witout destorying the bases? Cause i get swarmed even doe i don't have any bases nearby!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

And how can i kill the flying enemies witout destorying the bases? Cause i get swarmed even doe i don't have any bases nearby!

I think you need complete turret coverage, ignoring cliffs and water entirely.
Or you could use some Spiderlings, which are weaker but earlier spidertrons.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Woops, meant to edit, quoted myself instead.

a month ago

Bro am early game, theres with AAI etc not much options, HAHA. Its crazy. I can't even shoot at them, with assaut rilfe, not sure why, could be be because of the mod "https://mods.factorio.com/mod/distant-misfires" ? if so can you get a solution, is or is that normal that i just can't shoot them?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Overprovision your defense with gun turrets and wall and focus on weapon upgrades. When other mod slow down the tech progression, you are in tough luck lol. Maybe tune down the difficulty and unit property settings.

Re:assult rifle, other mods messed it up. Assault rifle can shoot air units.

a month ago

Alright then something seems bugged with other mods. Can you push a fix for it? or do i need to find the mod that causes it?

a month ago

No. I don't have time to do compatibility fixes at the moment.

You should find which mod causes that and report to that mod's author. They can decide whether it's worth their time to fix it.

28 days ago

Bro am early game, theres with AAI etc not much options, HAHA. Its crazy. I can't even shoot at them, with assaut rilfe, not sure why, could be be because of the mod "https://mods.factorio.com/mod/distant-misfires" ? if so can you get a solution, is or is that normal that i just can't shoot them?

Its distant misfires
Uninstall it for now to kill them early game, add it back later for lasers

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