Enemy Race Manager

by heyqule

Add support to have multiple races of enemies and add various RTS elements. Enemy become tougher as you kill them. Added aerial enemies. Support free for all or 1vN. Search "ERM -" mods to download the new enemies.

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Enemies Environment

g Enemies Not Leveling

8 months ago


Currently been playing a game for while in Space Exploration, using Zerg, Protoss, Human and Biter Spawns in a 4-way arrangement.

Got about 20 hours in this playthrough and enemies are simply not leveling.

Still level 1 this deep into the game and barely evolving.

I've changed the mod settings several times to increase aggression, evolution, etc. Doesn't appear to be making much of a difference.

Any idea as to why this is happening?

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

If you are using the "Space Exploration" map preset, the enemy will evolve a lot slower. That setting lower the map settings' Time, Pollution and Destroy factor by significant amount.

Since the leveling depends on those 3 settings as well. Using Space Exploration map preset will slow the enemy evolution.

What's the "Evolution Point" for each race when you open the ERM UI? Has any of them pass 1.0?

New response