Control your rods

Reactor overhaul. Adds fuel and control rods, allowing you to build highly energy dense reactors.

1 year, 1 month ago
Circuit network Power


How do I make a reactor?

Place fuel rods and control rods down in any way you like. Control rods only have a 5x5 area of affect, and their power drops off based on distance.

What do fuel rods do?

Fuel rods have 3 important sats, power output, reactivity, and temperature.
Power output is simply the amount of power in KW that the fuel rod is producing. Go above 40MW and it also increases reactivity.
Reactivity is a made-up unit that controls power output, and also increases/decreases based on reactivity, temperature, the type of fuel used, and the amount of slag in the reactor.
Temperature is very important, as if you go above 1500c the reactor begins to accumulate core slag which decreases power output. If you go above 2000c the reactor will meltdown and detonate, also detonating connected control rods.

What do control rods do?

Control rods decrease reactivity of nearby fuel rods based on insertion. Write insertion on red wire, read on green.

Graphite tipped control rods sharply increase reactivity between 180-360 insertion!