Cloud Crafting

Machines with special module can now pull ingredients and gather outputs directly from / into special cloud chests. Should not work with quality. NOT FOR HUGE FACTORIES!

2 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Manufacturing Storage Cheats
3 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
122 users

Machines with special module can now pull ingredients and gather outputs directly from / into special cloud chests. Should not work with quality. NOT FOR HUGE FACTORIES!

Machine must be placed on a ground when mod is active. E.g. when you use this mod in existing factory you have to place machine again so it could be registered. This can be even made by bots by removing machine and then pressing Ctrl+Z

Mod introduces new module, 2 new chests and 2 new items:

  • Cloud Access Module - when placed inside the machine starts gathering ingredients directly from cloud chests and other cloud machines within the same planet or space ship. Outputs are sent back into cloud chests where at least one similar item is inside
  • Cloud Chest - provides all machines with cloud access module installed with crafting ingredients and takes crafting results back if at least one suitable item is inside. Machine will never take last item to save chest linkage
  • Cloud Logistic Chest - Same as cloud chest but accessible for bots
  • Fine Quartz - refined kind of quartz that could be sieved from the stone with a certain chance
  • Resonating Crystal - high-quality oscillating crystal. Best suited for futuristic radio technologies or cheating the Factorio