Planet Castra

by Bartz24

Adds a new militaristic planet to the game. Claim the defended post-apocalyptic planet and use its resources to build a new base. The enemy awakens and starts improving their technologies once they sense your presence.

a day ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Combat Enemies Environment Manufacturing

g make a github please

a month ago

hello, please make a github for contributing and issue tracking.

in addition, why add a request non essencial mod at dependcies ? (graphic HD)
if we have maraxis, could you make landing-pad-research optionnal ? (because maraxis offer a same tech)

do you have a compatibilité with planetlib ?

a month ago

I'll get a github repo up soon for this. It's just a lower priority at the moment.

0.1.2 removed the graphics mod dependency and fixed the maraxsis landing pad tech compatibility by making sure it's requiring both the Castra and Maraxsis science packs.

PlanetsLib compatibility seems to work fine.

a month ago

Hi, when you make a github, I'm interested to contribute as well, mainly graphically if you're up for it

a month ago

if you need help or tips for github, i can give you the basic =)

a month ago

could you make the mod "landing pad" optional ?
if a new planet adds ONE more platform, why not, but an infinite search is neither useful nor balanced.

a month ago

Github repo's been added.
Graphical contributions would be much appreciated snouz! All the graphics were just photoshop tweaks lol

Landing pad mod's been made optional in 0.1.3.

a month ago

niiiiice <3

New response