Cargo Ships

Adds massive cargo ships to the game, that function similarly to trains. Also adds deep sea oil, oil platforms, tanker ships, train bridges and other water based content.

2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Mining Fluids Power

b Dock light doesn't align with sprite

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The lamp at the top of the dock doesn't align with the rest of the dock sprite, other than for the north-facing dock:

I can see in the mod screenshots that this was working when they were taken, so it's either a regression or an effect of my screen resolution (1440p).

4 years ago

Actually, judging by where the game thinks the bounding box of the dock is, it seems it's the dock sprite itself that's misaligned rather than the lamp sprite:

4 years ago

huh. thats weird. maybe some update of the base game changed how the shift to sprites is applied, because i havent touched the "dock" in a long time. i will check if i can reproduce this issue

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