Cargo Ships

Adds massive cargo ships to the game, that function similarly to trains. Also adds deep sea oil, oil platforms, tanker ships, train bridges and other water based content.

2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Mining Fluids Power

b Issue with 0.17.55

5 years ago

"Error Loading Mods
Failed to load mods: the given sprite rectangle (left_top=0x2, right_bottom=1x65537) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=32x32).
Sprite name: cargo-ships/graphics/blank.png: cargo-ships/graphics/blank.png"

Could you fix? <3 thank you!

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

i am trying to figure out whats casuing this, its pretty weird

5 years ago

Thank you very much for your efforts!!

5 years ago

thanks for the report, should be fixed now

5 years ago

You sir are a legend. thank you so much!

5 years ago

Yeah you fixed it! what a legend! like one minute after i got the bug, i have the fix

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