Cargo Ships

Adds massive cargo ships to the game, that function similarly to trains. Also adds deep sea oil, oil platforms, tanker ships, train bridges and other water based content.

5 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains Mining Fluids Power

i Another idea of optimization on or_power

5 years ago

Use a electric-energy-interface can avoid us from generating fluids forever. Here's my patch:

type = "electric-energy-interface",
name = "or_power",
localised_name = {"entity-name.oil_rig"},
icon = "cargo-ships/graphics/icons/oil_rig.png",
icon_size = 96,
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5, result = nil, minable = false},
max_health = 500,
corpse = nil,
collision_box = nil,
selection_box = nil,
collision_mask= {},
enable_gui = false,
allow_copy_paste = false,
energy_source = {
type = "electric",
buffer_capacity = "10GJ", --attempt to fix no power icon
usage_priority = "primary-output",
input_flow_limit = "0kW",
output_flow_limit = "1000kW",
energy_production = "10GW", --attempt to fix no power icon
energy_usage = "0kW",
picture = {
filename = "cargo-ships/graphics/blank.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 1,
height = 1,
working_sound = data.raw["generator"]["steam-engine"].working_sound

As a result relate events are no longer needed.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hey jessefjxm! that is a lot cleaner way to do this! thanks a lot for your work! i just created a github repro for the project. so feel free to create a pull-request for those changes (or others if you're interested in continuing to support the development of this mod)
EDIT: I did not include this change in the recent update since i rely on the generator entity to produce the smoke visualizations.

5 years ago

Well, that's an issue... Maybe we can add smoke effect on oil rig ifself or some where else. I'll have some attempt on it.

5 years ago

i actually tried to add it to the oil rig itself, but as far as i understand, smoke (and any other property) can only be produced by entities that originally had this property in the base game.

New response