Biter Power

Generate electricity by placing biters on treadmills. Biters can be caught with cage traps, or by placing an egg extractor on a buried biter nest. Biters get tired after running on the treadmill after which they need be revitalized, which could be hazardous. Warning, biters might escape!

2 months ago
Combat Enemies Power

i use of tired biters

30 days ago


as i am playing some little deathworld / science multiplier Run i noticed in this state the catched biters are plining up.

True - i don't need to catch biters if i have enought for power generation, especially with revitalization. But the traps are a good convnient way to protect the base aside with much firepower.

So i would suggest to be able to produce some oil with (at least tired) biters
or using some processed biters to revitalize (meat (water?))

30 days ago

Hello! Oh no, I was wondering what would happen if a player catches so many biters. I think I can do something about it.

Would you mind sharing your save? I'm curious what it looks like, and it would also help me get a feel for the ratios something like that will need.

29 days ago
(updated 29 days ago)

i don't have a possibilty (15MB) to send the save....

but basically speaking after my feederlines for the Treadmills were full the yellow chests were used, where they plied up.....

I restorte now to a more brute approch with lasers and all what i have :-)
but still the biters provide some 90% of energy of my base
and there are still the biter eggs to be farmed

29 days ago

You could put it on Google Drive or something and share a link. But it's fine if you don't want to of course :) But yeah, I didn't really intend that that is possible, so do need to rethink some things.

15 days ago

i played some furhter....

as i have not watched the biters dwindle, i run into serious black and brown outs because i have relied on biter power and had not sufficient steam or solar power, neiter nuclear.....

So i changed my defenses again to have a deep trap field bevor my shooters to get the biter for powering....
currently i tap the biters a little with my artillery to lure them into the trap fields....

So i think this argument i made is somewhat void as it was just temporary / or my game run

While thinking about automating this i think one can use the biter extractors to generate some much pollution which will attract nearby biters which could be lead into a trap field.... of course this will work only till depleted.....

8 days ago

Good that you let me know, because I was working on an update which would significantly nerf catching biters :P
So you're power your base using only caught biters? You're not growing them yourself?

And yes, the biter nests generate a lot of pollution. And it's infinite, and will never deplete :)

8 days ago

Would really love to see what your base looks like

New response