Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam

This mod revisits the early game of Factorio and pushes the electrification a bit further back by extending the Burner-Stage and inserting a new stage: Steam-Stage (buildings will be powered by steam). The production lines of this mod focus on fuel production, but it also comes with a few new intermediates and a new science package. It does not change the standard Techtree too much, the majority of the related tech for this mod comes before the vanilla techtree even begins. The vanilla techtree and most of the other mods content are locked behind a new technology called "Electrification" which can be called the goal of this modification.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b more Errors D:

5 years ago

just run apm (all mods)
and im getting this a lot :c
(possible not cause by those there mods)
Please just make it a check to turn on and off, if i'm running Dectorio

5 years ago

Can you please make an empty save file (without my mods) and attach it in a fromu post?
It's easier for me to debug this error, if I can sync your mods and settings.

5 years ago


5 years ago

i kinda found the issue, if i even touch any of the settings, away from what my "stable" settings, the game like freaks out, so i turned off mods, and with all the settings some mods give me, i best not uncheck a thing, or risk my game flipping out

5 years ago

just add this to the list of mods that could cause issues

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