Alien Biomes

A collection of additional biomes: Snow, Volcanic, Crater, various colors of Dirt, Sand and Grass. Includes new tree and decorative variants. There are planet controls in the mod options. When used with Space Age, only Nauvis will be affected.

4 months ago
0.14 - 2.0
Limited Distribution Only Licence
8 years ago
Latest Version:
0.7.2 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
623K users


A collection of additional biomes: Snow, Volcanic, Crater, various colors of Dirt, Sand and Grass. Includes new tree and decorative variants (palm trees, fir trees, etc).

Adds shallow water to coastlines with original sfx. You can wade in and catch fish.

When used with Space Age, only the Nauvis surface will be affected.

Mod settings

Planet controls

  • Temperature: HotClimates: Scale affects the scale of hot spots and partially affects the overall temperature fluctuation scale. Low Coverage decreases the global average temperature and makes the hot spots smaller and weaker. High coverage increases the global average temperature and makes the hot spots bigger and stronger. The hottest climates are volcanic areas.
  • Temperature: Cold Climates: Scale affects the scale of cold spots and partially affects the overall temperature fluctuation scale. Low Coverage increases the global average temperature and makes the cold spots smaller and weaker. High coverage decreases the global average temperature and makes the cold spots bigger and stronger. The coldest climates are snow and ice.
  • Moisture: Scale affects the moisture fluctuation scale. Low Bias makes the world average drier, so less grass and more sand. The driest climates are sandy wastelands with craters and almost no vegetation. High Bias makes the world average wetter, so more grass and less sand. The wettest climates are wetlands, grasslands with little pools of shallow water.
  • Terrain Type: Scale affects the terrain type fluctuation scale. Low Bias makes the world average more earth-like and less alien, so blues and purples, more greens and browns. High Bias makes the world average more alien, so more purples, reds, and blues.


  • 'No Vegetation' option, allows you to simulate being on a barren planet, moon, or asteroid.

  • You can also disable certain biomes completely. Warning: Removing too many biomes will have unpredictable results.

If you need to regenerate terrain after changing your mod setup, use Regenerate Terrain:

Suggested mods

Explosive Biters: The volcanic areas are more dangerous as the biters there can be explosive.

Cold Biters: The frozen areas are more dangerous, the biters there deal cold damage.

Geothermal: Adds geothermal points to volcanic areas.

Sound Effects where created from audio from and

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