Vehicle Wagon 2

Take with you a fully charged and battle-ready vehicle and take it on a rail trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Возьмите с собой полностью заряженный и готовый к бою транспорт и отправьте его в путешествие по железной дороге.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Combat

i Adding Vehicles

2 months ago

Hello, I was wondering if you could add the following vehicles (or tell me how to do it myself): All AAI vehicles, All RP-Warefare vehicles and the SA-T1 Atomic Tank, although I think it needs a bigger wagon (maybe in disassembled form). It would be nice if they had graphics like a one hauler (from the mod page), or even custom graphics like the three jets from the Aircrafts mod, but obviously that's not necessary. And there is a mod called "Smooth trains- locomotive" that makes the trains go smoother through corners, compatebility with that is probably not doable, but would also be nice.

2 months ago

Graphics for the loaded vehicles are pretty tricky. The biggest problem is that train sprites have 128 or 256 rotations, while vehicle sprites only have 64 rotations. If you don't render new rotations of the vehicles, then they look very weird going around corners. This already happens with the car and tank, since they use versions of the base sprites.

Adding new loaded wagon entities isn't too difficult, and you're welcome to experiment. Look in entities-compatibility.lua to see how the "big-truck" and "kr-advanced-tank" are layered on top of the flatbed wagon. To make the mod use a different entity when loading a certain vehicle, open makeGlobalMaps.lua and add to the if-else chain, for example after

elseif k and string.find(k,"dumper%-truck") and storage.loadedWagonMap["loaded-vehicle-wagon-truck"] then storage.vehicleMap[k] = "loaded-vehicle-wagon-truck" -- Specific to dump truck mod

So that when "k" (the vehicle name) == the vehicle you want, "storage.vehicleMap[k]" is assigned to the name of the new loaded wagon entity.

2 months ago

Thanks, I will definitly look into that.

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