Vehicle Wagon 2

Take with you a fully charged and battle-ready vehicle and take it on a rail trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Возьмите с собой полностью заряженный и готовый к бою транспорт и отправьте его в путешествие по железной дороге.

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Combat

g Remove the wagon ?

3 years ago

Hi there !

How do I remove the wagon once installed ?
I can't mine it, I tried everything I thought of, and searched online, but I can't figure out...

Love the mod btw, really useful, and well made ! Thanks.

3 years ago

Is there a vehicle loaded on the wagon when you try to mine it? It should work either way, but especially when empty.

Do you have any other mods installed, like Gizmo's car keys or Unminable Vehicles or Space Exploration? They can interfere with mining of vehicle wagons.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thanks for your quick answer !

Indeed, I have quite a mod list now, the kind of one it's a pain to pinpoint a collision =/
For a moment I thought I was just being silly, maybe I would have preferred that ^^

What kind of mod would be the most susceptible to collide, to shrink the suspects list ? Vehicles, train ?
I have some moded vehicles, and the armored train mod. (Tried without armored-train, still the same)
I don't have big overhaul though, and I can't think of a mod I have that prevents me from mining its content.

I'll play with that in mind today !

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Seems like there is no problem on a new world !
So if it's just a weir interaction, it only came from installing Vehicle Wagon on a pre-existing save already full of mods.
( And even here, I could still destroy the wagon if really needed xD )

3 years ago

That's very strange, makes me a little curious. If you feel like posting your save file to dropbox, I can take a look.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

If it can be usefull ! I didn't saw how to transfer it so I went on github open an issue.
A savegame has the mod list associated, right ? I don't need to try to reconstitute it ?

New response