Hi there! Thank you for making this, one of (in my opinion) the must-have mods for any playthrough, vanilla / vanilla-plus / total conversion included!
Two overlapping questions relating to the winching feature.
Is there any debug setting available to the user that would cause the winch-triggers to be visible or more intuitively placed? What about an option to enlarge the trigger? Sometimes I can just click it quickly and it'll work straightaway, one-and-done like. Other instances, I have to click and "hunt" for the trigger location on the flatbed to activate the UI. Generally, my overall feeling (from literally years of using this mod, even the VehicleWagon1 mod) is that it's kinda sorta somewhere near the rolling-stock-articulation overlay -- the faint green junctions indicated where train wagons can be hitched or unhitched. Unfortunately, that's all that it's ever become for me, just a general overall feeling. I've been living with it for this long, but I thought to ask it here because it might or might not factor into my second question.
I noticed for the first time a few hours ago in my current gaming session that I've never even accidentally triggered any sort of error condition (or hilarious glitch) where the vehicle being winched train-to-ground ever landed on an entity or on the player_character. This tells me that you have some pretty robust collision-preventing code in your mod script, which is awesome. Is there any way to learn more about how you accomplish this? I am nowhere near being a mod author, but I would care to learn more about it at least conceptually. (I'm a teacher irl and I think I can use this as an example scenario in one of my class lectures.)