Vehicle Wagon 2

Take with you a fully charged and battle-ready vehicle and take it on a rail trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Возьмите с собой полностью заряженный и готовый к бою транспорт и отправьте его в путешествие по железной дороге.

28 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Combat

g [Fixed]AAI Vehicles?

5 years ago

С AAI тачками будет работать с какими-нибудь?

5 years ago

Does the mod not work with AAI?

5 years ago

Correction - it does work with AAI vehicles to some extent.
However it causes loss of functionality to "AAI Programmable Vehicles"
Namely - when the car/tank is unwinched from the wagon it is losing its programmable automatic interface (upper left corner).

Let us know if can fix this.

4 years ago

The biggest incompatibility in the latest version is that you can't load AAI-enabled vehicles because they have a "virtual player" driving them. We'll need to work with the AAI mod interface to detect when the player inside is an AAI bot, among other things.

4 years ago

robot256, I wouldn't count that as incompatibility - you can't pick up AAI vehicles either if they have vitual player inside them. Just select a vehicle and "turn them off" so you can pick them up or load them on wagon.
That's how AAI Vehicles mod function.

4 years ago

You're right, that works! I also just figured it out. Programmable Vehicles has a bit of a learning curve.

Still, making a fully autonomous intermodal terminal would be awesome. I have no idea if Earendel has already thought of it and included enough interface functions to make it work.

4 years ago

So, does the mod not damage AAI interface anymore with latest version?

4 years ago

I didn't change anything, and still don't use AAI myself. Can you test it and see if it does what you want? Also, did it work with older versions of Vehicle Wagon?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Chiming in to report that it still does not work (AAI Programmable Vehicles). AAI's GUI for programming a vehicle in the top left corner of the screen is gone and you also can no longer select those vehicles with the AAI unit controller after you load it onto a wagon and then unload it. This includes vanilla and modded vehicles since AAI adds the programmable stuff to all vehicles. It basically removes the AAI mod from the vehicle and they're back to vanilla after unloading from a wagon.

Picking up the vehicle into your inventory and placing it back down fixes the issue(until you wagon it again of course).
Reloading a save or exiting the whole game and relogging does not fix the issue.

4 years ago

Sounds like it might be an issue with AAI not handling the script_raised_built event to register the creation of the unloaded vehicle. I believe Vehicle Wagon is correctly raising that event but I'll double check.

New response