A collection of mods aimed to mimic vanilla with a bigger variety of things ranging from robots to drills to aliens.
Collections of mods with tweaks to make them work together.
Transportation of the player, be it vehicles or teleporters.
Augmented or new ways of transporting materials - belts, inserters, pipes!
Armors or armor equipment.
Map generation and terrain modification.
Furnaces, assembling machines, production chains.
Hey, i cant install this mod pack (running 1.1.98)
Unable to install all required dependencies for Vanilla+ (Modpack): There is no compatible version of advanced-equipment on the mod portal.. Would you like to install the mod without dependencies?
Thanks for pointing this out. Advanced Equipment got depreciated. I replaced it with the Power Armor MK3 mod in the latest version.
Are you avalble via discord? i wanna chat a lil