Ultracube: Age of Cube

Unravel the mysteries of the ultradense utility cube in this devious overhaul mod. See the mod page for a complete list of compatible mods.

14 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network Manufacturing Power

g Thoughts and feedback

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

I recently finished a playtrough of this, really one of the most interesting and original mods I've found for Factorio, I really love the unique sense of humor.
Some small feedback points I wanted to share

  • Beacon hitboxes are scuffed, you can just place them into each-other (not that it's usefull to do so)
  • If beacons don't allow for efficiency modules I'd rename them to "overclock motivators" or something else that fits with the theme
  • I understand the mechanic of 1 beacon per machine max, but if possible it would be much funnier if you can use multiple but it gives a growing chance the affected machines just explode over time, as long as this doesn't kill the cube...
  • If beacons are this big and cumbersome to use please give them +1 range
  • Would have loved a tutorial on the cube reconstruction recipe, this took a lot of frustrating reloads to get it right, like maybe mention fluids can get stuck in pipes and the need to balance the number of times you perform different recipes involved
  • I understand not being able to produce more ultracubes, but it was kind of dissapointing to find that out since I thought it would be possible with productivity on the final recipe. Maybe this could be made more clear with a tutorial at the start? Is a super-expensive recipe for more cubes out of the question?
  • Is there a specific reason biters are disabled? They would be capable of destroying the cube? I think that would be okay with a fair warning at the start, you can ruin the cube in the end-game anyway so it seems okay to ask the player to reload if biters kill the cube.
  • Without military there aren't many infinite research options and I feel less motivated to build an optimized mega-factory with all the end-game tech unlocked. Perhaps you could add some simple infinite techs like anti-matter productivity or the like
  • Would have loved a slower ramp up for the inventory expansion tech cost, you really tend to run short on inventory space in the mid-game, so I would be a bit more lenient with this
  • I seem to be constantly running low on calcium in the end-game, I haven't made an end-game megafactory (yet) so I'm not sure this persists, but I would like an extra recipe for saving or producing more calcium to help balance this out. Maybe a secondary cube recipe for processing mineral water that yields tons of calcium in stead of deep-core powder?
  • Perhaps the super-labs from Krastorio could be unlocked in the end-game, just faster than the normal labs and with more module slots.

If I have the time I might make a tutorial video on Youtube on how to do circuit networks for this mod, I think a lot of people are missing out since they're too scared to tackle those

9 months ago

I would love some youtube videos on this mod, I just hit 4th tier science and i am FRESH out of ideas

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