Ultracube: Age of Cube

Unravel the mysteries of the ultradense utility cube in this devious overhaul mod. See the mod page for a complete list of compatible mods.

14 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network Manufacturing Power

g Short Tutorial Video

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

EDIT: This post is now old; I made a newer video here: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Ultracube/discussion/659daacda281dfce7a77a0c3

I saw on here some people are getting stuck on getting started with this mod; I made a quick tutorial video for the first 30 minutes of game play.


This covers:

  • getting started; getting power from nothing.
  • getting science started
  • gameplay click shortcuts to get started faster
  • Setting up rare metal mining and refining
  • Setting up automated cube recharging
  • Setting up automated power generation
  • Setting up your first cube distribution ratio belt array

The video is currently un narrated, but I plan to take a pass at it tomorrow and add some voice overlay to explain what I'm doing and why as I do this short playthrough up to automated n-dimensional widgets.

11 months ago

Good video. Though silent gameplay is a bit weird and would definitely improve with voice over or live commentary.

Having several off shore pumps to the boiler through regular pipes is a mistake though. You need storage tanks and pumps exclusively to transport a high throughput of liquids, no pipes or underneathies. Your boiler is getting 1.5kps even when it is close to the off shore pumps which is barely more than 1 off shore pump. And then you moved it away from shore with more pipes. But you don't really need more water throughput at this stage of the game so it doesn't really hurt you beyond the time investment of overbuilding without results. But as long as you are bottlenecked at 1.5kps of water you can use underneathies and pipes and no pumps for looong distances without really having any more drops in throughput.

It's cool that you managed cube routing without combinators. You have combinators available and it would be much more efficient with combinators, buffering and local recharging. And it would be easier for me to understand, it's quite tricky to see that the cube distribution is actually 1/5th and 5/6ths and the approach doesn't scale for later setups since there are no fixed ratios when you manually steal some outputs for machines etc. And using combinators means you don't need to know the ratios either. But it was quick to set up and I guess that was the point, I'm not complaining or saying it is wrong I'm just writing down my thoughts.

11 months ago

Hey, I actually already re-recorded the whole thing with voice and a different approach.

I also did a simple cube-control-belt-loop with some simple inserters and green/red wire to control when the cube goes to which process.

This thread is my 2nd attempt at an intro video, and includes narration and explanations.


New response