Ultracube: Age of Cube

Unravel the mysteries of the ultradense utility cube in this devious overhaul mod. See the mod page for a complete list of compatible mods.

14 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network Manufacturing Power

g Calcium overproduction

11 months ago

Enjoying it very much so far. I'm redesigning my base and am getting deadlocks because of excessive calcium.
I still working on level 3 research, is there a future tech where it's possible to sink some calcium into?
If not I have to disable the refined metal production and have a "old school" fallback for raw ore when the crushers back up.

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

You can get rid of some calcium by making a bunch of concrete. Once you get blue cards there's also another recipe that gives you an alternative fallback option.

11 months ago

Thank you, I have blue cards and working through the research, so both the concrete and the alternative receipt is running, I scale it up and then I guess it just takes some time to remove the clog.
Would be kind of nice if one could get rid of calcium like one does sand, but I don't have enough experience to know if that's a good idea balance wise.

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Yeah, the idea is to make you automate switching between 2 recipes for the same product depending on byproduct status.

11 months ago

It seems like buildings that take the ultradense utility cube as fuel should also accept the phantom ultradense constituent (not unlocked yet but the fuel box says it only accepts ultradense utility cube). Then you could set up bulk processing of rare earth metals in ultradense furnace after researching dimensional manipulation. And maybe alternative recipes later with replication gel that take phantom ultradense constituent as catalyst instead. And more replication recipes as late tech. Would allow for massive scaling in combination, and might make it worth the massive trouble of sending constituents all over the factory for parallel production of many different types of recipes even though you would have to somehow collect them all of them for the recipes that only accept the full utility cube.

I can see abstract interrogation tech now, though with Factor Planner I didn't really spoil what happens later but it seemed that phantom ultradense constituent and replication gel aren't as utilized as I thought/hoped they would be.

Reading through the tech tree and the descriptions is pure joy, the techs seem really both useful and hilarious (both because of descriptions and how they affect gameplay with the crazy recipes). The alternative bulk rare earth smelting recipe is also such a good example of why the idea of this mod is equally engaging and just silly fun :)

10 months ago

This reverses endgame, I'm at the "win the game" tech and I can't get enough calcium, I had to build some extra modules just to drain the rare earth production so more calcium can be made

7 months ago

enjoying this mod, have found that calcium overproduction became an issue, at one point I had 12 "Mausoleum" full of excess calcium and started putting it through the mystery furnace.
once getting to the end game it quickly drained my calcium supply and I'm struggling to generate more unless I stockpile the refined raw earth.
I defiantly think it should be balanced a bit better or there should be a way to recycle / generate calcium ( possible from generation of Mash from potatoes?)

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