Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Responded] bob's recipes? (Check mod options)

5 years ago

hello there schallflake,

it seems none of the bob's recipes are scaled! this is unfortunate, his electrolyser is going to be the severe limiting factor in our expansion efforts to 1 million SPM.

what can we do about it? stacked scaled recipes would be nice but so far there are neither.

5 years ago

It sounds like the similar situation as a report on Angel/Bob. Please see if it works for you.

It sounds like mods trying to alter recipes in `data-final-fixes' stage.
(Many such large / overhaul mods do not obey the normal rules of different data stages.)

Please try the following fix:
1/ Decompress my mod and rename file data-updates.lua to data-final-fixes.lua, see if this helps.
2/ If that is not enough, try adding optional dependencies to info.json of my mod, to ensure my mod loads after them.
The syntax would be like the following. Add entries with names of those mods shown in error message:

"dependencies": ["base >= 0.18.0", "? SchallMachineScaling", "(?) SchallTankPlatoon", "(?) angelmodxxx", "(?) bobplates" ]

If it works again, I am considering to put this as an official update next.

5 years ago

hm i think the problem is that the scaled recipes are limited to the scaled machines but you don't have a scaled Electrolyser entity.

5 years ago

fwiw, the file tricks did not work.

5 years ago

Bob and Angel work for me. I think the problem is that by default the mod does not make recipes for all machines. If you are too lazy to add each item separately, try to configure the mod in this way. This should make all machines from all mods work with all recipes.

5 years ago

Just like what the screenshot of ElizTriad's reply shown, input the name of entities to the field "Machines using scaled recipes", or use a single wildcard *.
As a Bob's mod user, I assume you already know how to find out entity name (debug display) and change mod options?

5 years ago

Does the electrics assembling machine from Bob's mods also work? I was sure I set the filter right in the settings, but I don't see the scaled recipes. This machine also restricts crafting to only circuits, maybe that's affecting it?

If it finds circuit recipes by prototype I feel like it shouldn't, but I'm not sure if it's implemented that way or if it's hard-coded.

5 years ago

out of curiosity why would you WANT to use one of those vs one of the + machines or even assembly 6?

5 years ago

I cannot promise anything about compatibility with overhaul mods, because they tend to not following general rule about usage of data phases. That would be massive time sink to make mod-specific compatibility code with them. (An example just within this month, I had spent hours to crawl through several Angel's mods in an attempt to find the cause. It turns out a single misspelling in one Angel mod causing that.)
Therefore, I will only make "generic" mod compatibility code fix from now on.
But before declaring it's a code problem, let's see if it is only just option settings problem first:

Does the electrics assembling machine from Bob's mods also work? I was sure I set the filter right in the settings, but I don't see the scaled recipes. This machine also restricts crafting to only circuits, maybe that's affecting it?

Every vanilla machines already have crafting category restrictions. Like chemical plants use only "chemistry" category, centrifuge use only "centrifuging" category. The machine you mentioned is just using another category, in principle. No specific code in my mod, so should be handled in principle.

Try set "Usable recipe set" option with "Both scaled & original sets", this will help finding if the filter is set right.
Even better, posting screenshots can help:
1/ On mod options screen. So I can see if you have set correct values.
2-3/ On technology screen, where the recipes (electronic circuits, I suppose?) are shown. Supposed to have both original & scaled recipe icon on the technology effects list. Hover on both of them and make screenshots.
Maybe also the machine names that you want it to work, can be seen in "F6" debug mode.

5 years ago

out of curiosity why would you WANT to use one of those vs one of the + machines or even assembly 6?

Ah, I asked a similar question to a user some time ago.
His answer is the extra module slots. Some mods gave 5 or 6 (or even more!) module slots in their machines. He relies on that very much, so he was not using my +6 machines (from Schall Machine Scaling) even though mine is much faster.
(Still think 4 slot is well enough. 5+ slots is too OP IMO, so I would not provide that in my mods.)

5 years ago

@ptx0 They're slightly faster than AM6 from Bob's as well with the stipulation that you can only produce circuits with it. Plus, it's a 2x2 machine rather than 3x3 allowing for slightly more compact setups.

Thanks for the reply, I'll mess around with it some more.

5 years ago

you can fit more beacons around a machine with larger surface area, the increased module slots really only help add more prod modules.

but the AM6 is definitely faster than the 3rd tier electronics assembly machine, and you need that additional surface area to remove items at the rate they are generated, using loaders.

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