Schall Gun Pod

Adds several bullet-consuming defense equipment. Designed for vehicle grids, function as gun pods (external mount guns) like in modern military aircrafts. Suitable for moving turret creep tactics. Also adds dedicated pods for armoured trains. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

7 days ago
0.16 - 2.0


Q: Why can't we put any gun pods in power armor grid?
A: All gun pods are designed for vehicles only. When you hover the mouse cursor over the gun pod equipment, the tooltip will tells where it can be placed into.

Q: Why can't we put the empty gun pod in grid?
A: Only filled gun pods can be placed in equipment grid. First you have to load ammo onto it via crafting. Please see the "Placing Gun Pods" section in the main page.

Q: Why can't we install cannon pods on medium tanks? (As well as any other gun pods...)
A: Medium tanks have cannon (75 mm) as the main armament. It would be very strange (and illogical) to have another cannon mounted to it. It would even be more strange for light tanks to have such an oversized gun. On the other hand, real-world large warships are mounted with small caliber guns as support guns. Therefore, we have such "weight restriction" on cannon pods, as well as other gun pods.

Q: Where are the unused ammo within when I remove the gun pods?
A: If you click the gun pods on equipment grid directly, the ammo are lost forever! Please see the "Unload Gun Pods" feature as described in the main page (default hotkey: Control-L), to return unused ammo.

Q: Why unload ammo hotkey/shortcut does not give back the exact amount of ammo, as indicated by check gun pod function?
A: For simpler and less CPU-intensive code, this mod is treating a partially-used ammo item as a full item in reload gun pod function (just like how vanilla game also accept it in crafting as a full item.) So returning even a partial clip in unload gun pod function, can be a potential exploit to generate "free" ammo. (It is very inefficient in terms of items per time though. Must be very desperate in resources to really need this...) Hence only full clips are ever returned to prevent such attempt.
Also note that the check gun pod function displays the number of equivalent ammo clips inside the pods, thus always returning integers (ceiling up). Decimal points are not displayed, as they will take up space for not useful information. You do not need to count each shot, right?

Q: Why are you hacking the "electricity" property as ammo bar, instead of having some ammo slots on equipment?
A: The game has no support on ammo slots on equipment. All active defense equipment (personal laser defense, discharge defense) are drawing energy as ammo. The only real counter usable as ammo bar is the "electricity" property. It may be changed in future versions, but by now it is the only way working that I can think of.

Q: Why are you introducing the unload hotkey, instead of using lua script to automatically return ammo when clicking on equipment?
A: I want to do this too, but current game API does not have such event to execute right before removal of equipment.
The only relevant event "on_player_removed_equipment" is executed AFTER removal of equipment. But when it is called, the "electricity" data is already lost. Even the name of the equipment being removed cannot be fetched by this event. So there is nothing we can do to embed the return ammo feature automatically.

Q: Why have the special train gun pods? They are larger than the other pods!
A: They are supposed as the "main guns" (like a tank cannon, tank machine gun) of armoured train, thus they do not have the penalized range like the other pods. But current API (0.17.7) does not support trains to have any main guns, so these train gun pods are made for this purpose. (Artillery wagon does not count, because it cannot be fired like other tank weapons.) If future API support train weapons, I may revise and remove this pods.

Q: What are the train cannon pod for? No vehicle can use this!
A: It is designed for the armoured draisine (or rail-tank), which is a tank but fitted with railroad wheels. It would be a dedicated rail vehicle, which is more specialized in combat than armoured locomotive.
It is available in Schall Armoured Train versions 0.17.10 / 0.18.4 / 1.0.2 or above.

Technical Details

The damage and shooting speed (together with upgrades) are the same as their counterpart gun (see the following table). Only the range is nerfed (to about 2/3 of original gun) for balancing, since they are kind-of supplementary or self-defense guns rather than as well-placed main armament. (Think about a heavy-tank with multiple cannon pods. If they all have full range, who can get close to it? Imagine it appears on enemy team in a PvP game!)

The train gun pods have full range of their original guns, as they are intended as the main guns of armoured trains.
- Train minigun pod: range 20.
- Train autocannon pod (20 mm): range 20.
- Train cannon pod (75 mm): range 27.
- Train particle beam pod: range 20.
- Train particle cannon pod: range 26.

Full List of New (or Changed) Items


  • 4 gun pod: (MG-behälter in German)
    • Empty [unlocked by gun pod 1]
    • Firearm magazine [unlocked by gun pod 1]
    • Piercing rounds magazine [unlocked by gun pod 1]
    • Uranium rounds magazine [unlocked by gun pod 2]
  • 4 minigun pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by minigun pod 1]
    • Firearm magazine [unlocked by minigun pod 1]
    • Piercing rounds magazine [unlocked by minigun pod 1]
    • Uranium rounds magazine [unlocked by minigun pod 2]
  • 4 sniper pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by sniper pod 1]
    • Firearm magazine [unlocked by sniper pod 1]
    • Piercing rounds magazine [unlocked by sniper pod 1]
    • Uranium rounds magazine [unlocked by sniper pod 2]
  • 4 rocket pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by rocket pod 1]
    • Rocket [unlocked by rocket pod 1]
    • Explosive rocket [unlocked by rocket pod 2]
    • Incendiary rocket [unlocked by flamethrower pod 1]
  • 4 autocannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by gun pod 1]
    • Explosive autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by gun pod 1]
    • Explosive uranium autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by gun pod 2]
    • Incendiary autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by flamethrower pod 1]
  • 5 cannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by cannon pod 1]
    • Cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by cannon pod 1]
    • Explosive cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by cannon pod 1]
    • Uranium cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by cannon pod 2]
    • Explosive uranium cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by cannon pod 2]
  • 3 flamethrower pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by flamethrower pod 1]
    • Flammable liquid fuel [unlocked by flamethrower pod 1]
    • Propane gas fuel [unlocked by flamethrower pod 1]
  • 4 particle beam pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by particle beam pod 2]
    • Standard particle beam clip [unlocked by particle beam pod 2]
    • Condensed particle beam clip [unlocked by particle beam pod 2]
    • Refined particle beam clip [unlocked by particle beam pod 2]
  • 4 particle cannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by particle cannon pod 2]
    • Standard particle cannon clip [unlocked by particle cannon pod 2]
    • Condensed particle cannon clip [unlocked by particle cannon pod 2]
    • Refined particle cannon clip [unlocked by particle cannon pod 2]
  • 4 stasis beam pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by stasis beam pod 2]
    • Standard stasis beam clip [unlocked by stasis beam pod 2]
    • Condensed stasis beam clip [unlocked by stasis beam pod 2]
    • Refined stasis beam clip [unlocked by stasis beam pod 2]
  • 4 force cannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by force cannon pod 2]
    • Standard force cannon clip [unlocked by force cannon pod 2]
    • Condensed force cannon clip [unlocked by force cannon pod 2]
    • Refined force cannon clip [unlocked by force cannon pod 2]
  • 4 train minigun pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by train minigun pod 1]
    • Firearm magazine [unlocked by train minigun pod 1]
    • Piercing rounds magazine [unlocked by train minigun pod 1]
    • Uranium rounds magazine [unlocked by train minigun pod 2]
  • 4 train autocannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by train gun pod 1]
    • Explosive autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by train gun pod 1]
    • Explosive uranium autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by train gun pod 2]
    • Incendiary autocannon shell (20 mm) [unlocked by train gun pod 1]
  • 5 train cannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by train cannon pod 1]
    • Cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by train cannon pod 1]
    • Explosive cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by train cannon pod 1]
    • Uranium cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by train cannon pod 2]
    • Explosive uranium cannon shell (75 mm) [unlocked by train cannon pod 2]
  • 4 train particle beam pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by train particle beam pod 2]
    • Standard particle beam clip [unlocked by train particle beam pod 2]
    • Condensed particle beam clip [unlocked by train particle beam pod 2]
    • Refined particle beam clip [unlocked by train particle beam pod 2]
  • 4 train particle cannon pod:
    • Empty [unlocked by train particle cannon pod 2]
    • Standard particle cannon clip [unlocked by train particle cannon pod 2]
    • Condensed particle cannon clip [unlocked by train particle cannon pod 2]
    • Refined particle cannon clip [unlocked by train particle cannon pod 2]


  • 21 gun pod-related:
    • Gun pod 1
    • Gun pod 2
    • Minigun pod 1
    • Minigun pod 2
    • Sniper pod 1
    • Sniper pod 2
    • Rocket pod 1
    • Rocket pod 2
    • Cannon pod 1
    • Cannon pod 2
    • Flamethrower pod 1
    • Particle beam pod 2
    • Particle cannon pod 2
    • Stasis beam pod 2
    • Force cannon pod 2
    • Train minigun pod 1
    • Train minigun pod 2
    • Train cannon pod 1
    • Train cannon pod 2
    • Train particle beam pod 2
    • Train particle cannon pod 2