Schall Gun Pod

Adds several bullet-consuming defense equipment. Designed for vehicle grids, function as gun pods (external mount guns) like in modern military aircrafts. Suitable for moving turret creep tactics. Also adds dedicated pods for armoured trains. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

7 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Responded] Please make gun mods separate from tank platoon (Check mod options)

3 years ago

Tank platoon overrides tank crafting in Krastorio 2 and prevents other tanks from being crafted, please remove the dependancy of the gun pod from tank platoon to be crafted

3 years ago

Just like K2 or many other mods, my mods also have plenty of options. My mods always provide option whether vanilla settings may get changed. So be sure to check mod options.

Unhide of tank recipe is stated in Schall Tank Platoon FAQ.

Q: My other mods need the vanilla tank as ingredient, how can I unhide the recipe?
A: If you are first time using this mod on a game, enable "Keep vanilla Tank recipe" option is enough, which is under "Options" → "Mod settings" → "Startup" tab. For an ongoing game, you may also need to check the "Force enable vanilla Tank recipe" option (under "Options" → "Mod settings" → "Map" tab) once, then save game. The later option needs to be unchecked again after activation, because this option enables the recipe REGARDLESS of whether you have the requisite technology.

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