Schall Gun Pod

Adds several bullet-consuming defense equipment. Designed for vehicle grids, function as gun pods (external mount guns) like in modern military aircrafts. Suitable for moving turret creep tactics. Also adds dedicated pods for armoured trains. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

7 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Responded] Gun pod harness? (Will not implement)

4 years ago

A special powered armor, that can only hold gun pods. Grid size is tailored to only allow a certain about of pods per tier (t1 allows 1 pod, t2 allows 2 pods, t3 allows either 4 pods or 1 4x4 pod).

4 years ago

Gun pods (of this mod) are supposed to be quite large, which are too bulky and heavy for infantry. Not even for infantry in powered exoskeleton (or powered armour, or any of its synonyms).
The closest thing can handle it is a mech. But then my "Light Spidertron" in Schall Archanid Platoon is already doing that.

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