Schall Gun Pod

Adds several bullet-consuming defense equipment. Designed for vehicle grids, function as gun pods (external mount guns) like in modern military aircrafts. Suitable for moving turret creep tactics. Also adds dedicated pods for armoured trains. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro)

7 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Solved] Hotkey Conflict

5 years ago

Just a heads up 0.16.2 of this mod has broken logistic network (pressing L or anything hotkeyed to work with logistics) no-longer works. Once this mod is disabled and the game is reloaded, the game logistic network starts working again.

5 years ago

Originally reported this broke Logistic network. Discovered it doesn't after changing up all hotkeys. This just caused major errors which caused stuttering on my personal build when i had the mod running and didn't configure the hot keys that had overlapped already pre-existing mapped out hotkeys.

5 years ago

I am sorry not being aware of hotkey conflict.
Two options come into my mind: should I change the hotkeys to Shift-L & Ctrl-L? Or use other keys like PageUp & PageDown?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

i play on laptop and desktop. I suggest Shift L. Page up and Page down would be great too. But not all laptops have Page up/Down with out confusing FN key setups (or custom bios configs requiring you to hold FN to use PageUp/PageDown), so Shift L maybe easier. Thats actually exactly what i did for the mapping.

Updating to the new factorio build 0.17.1 and updating my private servers accordingly. Gonna see how much this has changed and or affected mod functionality.

5 years ago

related to hotkeys, i found it most annoying in 0.16 that all hotkeys would be forgotten when i played a map with some mod, then another without the mod, and later re-enabled that mod. in contrast to the mod settings, my own settings of hotkeys (as well as the unassignment of lots of hotkeys that i disabled because i didn't need them) would be lost (neither stored somewhere in factorio nor in a map nor anywhere else), causing some conflicts to appear unless i checked hotkey settings every time.
that's also why it is important for mod authors to avoid such conflicts on default assignments as much as possible. quite often it even might be useful to have a hotkey definition possible but not give it a value by default so that it would at least not give conflicts and trigger unwanted actions until the hotkeys are checked again.
without the forgetfullness of factorio, i simply would setup hotkeys once and have no more problems with that mod's hotkeys no matter how often i enable/disable mods, eg for alternating between maps, but of course for different servers too.

has this situation improved with 0.17 now ? I'll see after I'm done with a pure vanilla game first :-)

5 years ago

Just released 0.17 update (together with majority of my other mods).
Hotkey has been shifted to default "Shift + L" and "Control + L". So no longer "block" the access to logistics network. Hope it helps.

Yes, I also find it annoying that disabling some mods will have those settings and hotkeys "forgotten". Re-enabling mods will reset to mod default settings...
On the GOOD side, the game does not store extra things in your harddisk or steam cloud account, so whenever you "try" and install a lot of mods, but later found them not in your favour, those settings don't stay in your folders like "garbage". This may also help a bit on privacy (if any), like the long-lived cache privacy problem on web browsers. (Okay, maybe it's a bit exaggerated as merely game settings.)
On the "BAD" side, yes it is inconvenient to players who disable/enable a lot, or install/uninstall a lot to try different mods. Me included. ;-)

5 years ago

Yes, I also find it annoying that disabling some mods will have those settings and hotkeys "forgotten".
Re-enabling mods will reset to mod default settings...

On the GOOD side, the game does not store extra things in your harddisk or steam cloud account ...

but mod settings ARE remembered (maybe even after deleting a mod?)
also, this problem occurs not only after deleting and reinstalling mods, but already when disabling and reenabling mods, and relative to the size of the mod itself plus its mod settings, the hotkeys really don't use much space.

On the "BAD" side, yes it is inconvenient to players who disable/enable a lot, or install/uninstall a lot to try different mods. Me included. ;-)

i once took my time to setup hundreds of mods so that there were no hotkey conflicts. then i used some on one map, only TWO others on another map/server, and immediately had conflicts on those two mods :-(

why don't they somehow store mod settings AND hotkeys as long as the mod is installed (no matter whether enabled or not) and delete them all when the mod is deleted?
it's no justification that checking all mods for existance would take some time since on game start all mods are loaded anyway, even when i only want to update faulty mods that i have to disable first to be able to start factorio and update them and then enable them again and then setup hotkeys again :-(
(which currently happens a LOT with all the 0.17 updates)

5 years ago

I have no idea where mod settings and hotkey settings are saved.
In some other games, these are saved in some INI, CFG, or JSON files (human readable format). The benefit is user can manually backup (or even edit) their favourite settings. Sadly, I don't know such thing for this game.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

In some other games, these are saved in some INI, CFG, or JSON files

yes, that's (somehow) true for factorio too and not only in one format,
but all of these three formats plus additional DAT files ... :-) :-(

a while ago i found some such files at different locations, but in the meantime some seem to have changed, like different locations, different format, no longer readable/editable, etc :-( and all this could be more or less different for windows, mac and linux ...

but here is what i see NOW in windows (installed on this computer first under 0.15, now 0.17) :
player-data.json (in the factorio directoy) holds data about which levels and tutorials are accessible as well as the login data to update factorio and mods
achievements-modded.dat (in the factorio directory) are the local achievements (non-readable) in modded games or without steam, including achievements added by mods. they seem to be (partially?) synced with steam achievements when playing (or even logged in in the background??) to steam.
and then (depending on a config file in the factorio directoy) either in a factorio (sub)folder or in appdata: lots of other files (maybe some are remnants from old factorio installations) like the blueprint library, or in a subdirectory config one single important file named config.ini (typical readable INI format) with lots of settings like options, keyboard shortcuts, etc. maybe there is also a section about mod hotkeys that will be reset (deleted) when factorio or enabled mods change since that is the easiest method of cleaning up sections in ini files and not keep unused values around forever ?
and finally there is a file "mod-settings.dat" in the mods directory itself which is binary and thus not easy (or even impossible) to edit somehow.

because of these differences, probably the mod settings are kept forever while the mod hotkeys are wiped quite often?

btw: in that config.ini there is a value for autosave-interval as well as for autosave-slots. i set it on some old version and the value is still in the config, although recently (in 0.16 and 0.17) there was no such setting for slots ingame. i have to see whether that value is still respected, but i liked to have it at 9 (for through, to get up to 18 minutes worth of autosave (instead of default 3 slots for only 4 minutes when bad luck strikes) when using an interval of 2 minutes only.

5 years ago

Nice, I found all the hotkey settings saved in config.ini. Now I can back up hotkeys before trying mod enable/disable.

I guess mod setttings are somehow stored in save files. "Sync with save file" can restore the settings to the saved state. I have not tested with "startup" settings, but confirmed at least "global" and "per player" settings can restore this way.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

yes, there are two values for global/player settings: if you change the values while no map is loaded (thus from the main menu), you probably can select new defaults that are used for new maps. but when a map is loaded, the settings in the map have precedence over those defaults and you only change the values for that one map.

thus don't forget to adjust values from the main menu (after leaving the map) if you changed a value on a running map and want those values to also apply to the next map you generate. and if you want to use the same values on other existing saves, you have to change them again for every single map while that map is running.

the startup settings cause changes in prototypes and similar which can't be changed while factorio is running. thus they also can't be changed while a map is running. you have to leave the map, change the values, and that automatically restarts factorio.

5 years ago

As of build 17.4 the mods work, at least the gunpod one does. But 17.4 is far to unstable, like 90% of my mods im using do not work so im staying on the 16.51 build for now.

5 years ago

True, the current 0.17 experimental versions are quite unstable. For example, 0.17.5 from yesterday have made most of my 0.16.51 megabase saves unloadable.
I can make a special version of this mod (0.16.5) if you want, just changing the default hotkeys for you.

You can also manual edit your copy yourself. Steps are:
1. Unzip the 0.16.4 file as the same folder.
2. Remove the ZIP file.
3. Open SchallGunPod_0.16.4/data.lua with text editor.
4. Replace line 17 and 18 with

add_hotkey("event-gunpod-reload", "SHIFT + L")
add_hotkey("event-gunpod-unload", "CONTROL + L")

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

on step 1 (unzip the mod), watch out:
when using "extract all" in windows, a new directory will be created with the zipped file's name and the whole directory tree in it. but since the top directory in the zipfile already is named like that, you would end up with something like modname_xyz/modname_xyz/contents. instead of using "extract all" (and then moving around files), just open (doubleclick) the zipfile and then copy all its contents to the mod directory.

step 2 (remove zip file) is not needed :
when there are several versions of a mod, factorio will load the newest (zipped or unzipped) version.
when there are a zipped and an unzipped version of the newest mod version, the unzipped version is used.
if you don't delete the zip file, you can revert to the original mod (in case of problems with your own modification) by deleting the unzipped version, without any need to download the mod again.

5 years ago

My point 2 is exactly the reason for point 1. If files are extracted to a wrong folder while the zip file is present, user won't even notice the folder copy is not used at all.
Plus, if both copies exist in the correct folder, 0.16.51 game will pop up at EVERY startup, saying you have both copies of the mod.

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