Supernet2 Has modified this to support factorio 1.x versions, original text here --> 'This is a quick and dirty 0.17 port, I take no credit for the mod. Store your items in backpacks to carry more junk. Lets be real, if you can carry a train in your pocket, you can carry 20 backpacks.'
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Supernet2 has Updated this mod for Factorio 1.0 Original Author is Xalos, Original Description as follows 'Allows you to charge your power armor from the electric network, and vice versa.'
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Supernet2 has modified this to support factorio 1.x Builds. Original Description is as follows from original creator eradicator, 'wondered why you can't use those fancy fusion reactors from your armor to power your factory? Well, now you can! Everybody can do solar farms, but can YOU afford fusion farms?'
Mods introducing new content into the game.