Schall Alien Loot

Dead aliens are now good aliens! Aliens will pay for your base defense! On their death, they bring back the 0.14 alien artifact. They also drop alien ores as loots, which can be morphed into ordinary ores like iron ore. Also adds alien science pack that can be used for research in other tech mods. Well-suited for combat-heavy, no-mining scenarios. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español, and 26 Partial)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Solved] 0.18 updates

5 years ago

Hi -- Love your mods. Are you planning to update them for 0.18? I tried just bumping the factorio version number but it seems more work is involved than that. I'd be happy to help out if that would be useful.

5 years ago

Yes, in progress of that.
Needs updating all graphics (esp. mipmapped icons in 0.18), and I plan to release update all at once. So will take a few days to finish everything I guess.

PS: BTW I downloaded some mods (made by others) for 0.18. Some of them just updated the version number, but the icons are all faulty. I don't want to be one of them.

5 years ago

Thanks! I'm doing weekly youtube updates of a playthrough with a selection of your mods at the moment, so am really looking forward to the updates. Is it technically possible to run a megabase entirely from alien ore? I'm not really sure how well it scales beyond mid game.

5 years ago

Nice! So do you have some videos to share with me? I am interested in seeing how people feel and how to play with my mods. It is helpful for me to make improvements.
User feedback on discussion board (here) is useful, but very often will easily missed out the small/minor details in text comments. But I can notice these when watching gameplay streams/videos.
(In fact, a user sent me a YT video to give me a better idea for his bug report. But it also came with "discovery" of a few things that are not good to players first-time with my mods, or some imperfections. And these all ended up as update of Schall Alien Loot 0.17.8. Users will be too polite not to write these up as "complains" here.)

I never have the time to start anew with my mods, so I do not know the answer.
But as the loot amount and quality increases with tier, together with adjustable loot richness, I HOPE it also scales to the end game. If you want to run a megabase, then it is like a must with Schall Pickup Tower to automate the transfer from ground items to your logistic system.
The answer can partially come from the same series I mentioned above. He played in Death World with some of my mods (including this one) and various other mods, for a loot-heavy gameplay. I did not finish watching his whole series yet. But from what I watched, seems he was struggling with lack of iron ore in early game. But in very late game (very high evolution factor with category VI biters out from Schall Endgame Evolution), he actually have too much alien ore, and have to "waste" them by using the less efficient morphing to uranium ore to make excess stacks of uranium walls and atomic bombs. But he was also using a lot other mods, say alien dead bodies can be used as fuel for power generation. So maybe this greatly relieves his early to mid game fuel problem (not needing the morphing into coal), so could be totally different from you or others.
Overall, I would say it really depends on what other mods you are using together. If you are using some powerful weapon mods that have high damage/resource ratio, maybe you could end up with resource overflow too.

5 years ago

Here it is:

I'm quite drunk in the first video -- it was after our work Christmas pub crawl ;)

5 years ago

Thanks, I will spend some time watching it, after finishing the 0.18 update.
For a first glance, you starting position is soooooo nice! Surrounded by sea for like 60%, just a few choke points are enough to hold off the aliens (except for burrowing worms that you also have).

5 years ago

JD Plays also has a deathworld Factorio Extended / Schall Falke / Necro / Zomtorio series. Here's the link to the latest summary:

5 years ago

Just released 0.18 updates. Hope these do not come too late for your game. ;-)

Trblz, thank you! After pushing out all the 0.18 updates, now I finally have time to relax a bit. Your video link would be a great start!

5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for this. I'm now just waiting on infused aliens and necromant, and then I'm off to the races. I think I'm going to start a new but similar playthrough specifically for 0.18.*

5 years ago

I created a fix for Necromant, it's on the mod portal

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